aldebaran in natal chart

WebAldebaran (alpha of the Taurus constellation, Persian name Tascheter) was the guardian of the eastern sky, as it predates the vernal equinox. The name Aldebaran (pronunciation: /ldbrn/) comes from the Arabic al Dabarn, meaning the follower. It refers to the star following the bright Pleiades cluster across the sky. Charles Combes (16); French engineer. The bulls insatiable sexual nature comes out strongly, but usually its bullish energy is channelled into the arts where they are especially fertile. Cyril Fagan (17); Sidereal Astrologer. About 5,000 years ago, Aldebaran was close to the vernal equinox, the instant when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. Saturn tends to make the shadow deeper and darker than any other planet Remember Antares opposes this star, so the battle between good and evil may play out in their career, whether it be artistic or political. [CDATA[ Also known as the Winter Circle, the asterism dominates the evening sky during the northern hemisphere winter, containing the Winter Triangle and most of the constellation Orion within its borders. The red star is to the right of the Belt. Antares, for the other side in the conflict, went into religious Sagittarius in 1272 AD and showed its superiority, perhaps, since the Crusaders never did dislodge the Saracens. In local lore, Karambal was a man who fell in love with Meamei, one of the Pleiades, but when he carried her off to be his wife, her sisters forced him to release her. He rose to the sky and became the star [Robson, p.121. As you can see from the picture above, Aldebaran is the bulls left eye, and the brightest star in Taurus. Wolfgang Borchert; German author who denounced the Nazi regime. Mia Farrow (06); Actress and humanitarian. Bulls-eye is what we call the centre of a target, which usually carries the highest score, and a precise or highly effective achievement. ], With Venus: Honor through literature, music or art, creative abilities, favorable for health and marriage. Catholic themes and S & M. Ex heroin-addict. Due to the Earths axial precession, the star has since moved away. [Robson, p.120. The sign of the Bull has produced a Serranus and a Curius, has carried the rods of office through the fields, and has left its plough to become a dictator [eque suo dictator venit aratro]. It is usually slightly fainter than Altair in the constellation Aquila and Acrux in Crux, but just outshines Antares, Spica and Pollux, the luminaries of Scorpius, Virgo and Gemini. The NAA controller agenda of the False King of Tyranny is and always will be divide and conquer through the Victim-Victimizer and military war strategy. Pierre Molinier (40); Painter and photographer whose work was fetishistic-erotic. Allen Ginsberg; American Poet. Behenian fixed stars and their magical influences in Astrology. Prominent alignments with the Aldebaran / Antares axis can express into the political and global arena. June 2017 Look out for a confirmation email (Please check spam). When they became visible, the rainy season had begun. Regulus is also considered the star of forgiveness, so you can also use this energy to forgive yourself and others. Dorothea Mackellar (14); Australian bush poet. Cornelius Charlton (02); Honored soldier for the US army in Korea. In Babylonian astronomy, Aldebaran marked an asterism known as Pidnu-sha-Shame, the Furrow of Heaven. Dated a string of famous, powerful and wealthy men. Affects the health and domestic affairs, prominence through mercurial matters, material gain, and many learned friends. The moon here needs a great deal of physical love and affection. In Greek mythology the Hyades were the Rainy Ones. Amassed a huge personal fortune from confiscated Jewish property. Aldebaran marked the Hindu Rohini, a Red Deer, used also for the 2nd nakshatra, or Hindu Moon Mansion. Director of CIA in the 1950/60s. It gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honors and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting and there is also danger of violence and sickness. . It forms one of the four royal stars of Persia as Watcher of the East. Martha Graham (00); As influential as Picasso in her field of dance and choreography. Mars is fearless, confident, passionate, and bold, but can also be hot-tempered, irritable, and impulsive. The intelligence that Aldebaran unlocks can also be used to manipulate, outsmart, or overpower others. 3.61), Atlas (27 Tau, mag. Sentenced to death by hanging for Nazi atrocities. Those born on the lunar day will be devout, rich, merchants, rulers, drivers, possessed of wealth and cattle. Extraordinary energy. When out of balance, the energy of Antares can manifest as obsession, reckless behavior, or acting on impulse. Three of her four siblings are dead, her brother committed suicide. Although it may look like part of the Hyades cluster, its much closer. Aldebaran is the guardian of the eastern sky and is said to be the leader of all stars. Annual Retrograde Calendar. Alpha Tauri D, E and F have apparent magnitudes of 13.70, 12.00 and 13.60. We get fame, notoriety, some wasted talent and a fall from grace, most probably due to over-indulgence of the good life that Aldebaran initially delivers. He would often fly into drunken, jealous rages and was violent towards his girlfriends. Antares is the guardian of the western sky and is one of the brightest stars we can see with the naked eye. Aldebaran is the Greek Omma Boos, Latin Oculus Tauri, and the early English Bulls Eye. The tradition stems from Arabic astrology/astronomy which ], Power directed wrongly. While it also larger than the fellow class K giants Pollux (8.8 solar radii), Arcturus (25.4 R) and Unukalhai (12 R), it does not rival the supergiants Antares (680 800 R), Rigel (78.9 R) and Betelgeuse (887 R), and it certainly does not come even close to the red supergiant UY Scuti (1,708 R), currently the largest star known. Aldebaran comes to the meridian on the 10th of January. In all astrology it has been thought eminently fortunate, portending riches and honor; and was one of the four Royal Stars, or Guardians of the Sky, of Persia, 5000 years ago, when it marked the vernal equinox. In Hindu mythology, Rohini was one of the daughters of Daksha, the son of Lord Brahma who created the nakshatras (lunar mansions), and wives of Chandra, the Moon God, who married all her sisters at her fathers request even though he only wanted to marry her. Aldebaran was the brightest star in the sky for about 200,000 years between the years 420,000 and 210,000 BCE. These include the Crab Nebula (Messier 1), a historic supernova remnant, Hinds Variable Nebula (NGC 1555), a young reflection nebula illuminated by the variable pre-main sequence star T Tauri, the Crystal Ball Nebula (NGC 1514), a planetary nebula that made William Herschel reconsider his beliefs about the starry nature of these objects, and the colliding galaxies NGC 1410 and NGC 1409. When you follow your passions and lead with your heart, it can lead to great fame, rewards, and success. The heart of the lion is courageous, bold, and passionate. Fixed star Aldebaran has been thought eminently fortunate, portending riches and honor; and was one of the four Royal Stars, or Guardians of the Sky, of Persia, 5000 years ago, when it marked the vernal equinox. The Greeks saw it as a symbol of Zeus as the Bull who carried off Europa. Aldebaran is one of the six first-magnitude stars that form the Winter Hexagon. Antares, for the other side in the conflict, went into religious Sagittarius in 1272 AD and showed its superiority, perhaps, since the Crusaders never did dislodge the Saracens. Part of the lesson that Fomalhaut offers is to balance the energy between body and soul, and to use our talents for the greater good, rather than for personal gain. Aldebaran inspires us to take the physical action required to manifest our visions.[2]. The star came within 21.5 light years of the solar system and, at its maximum, was slightly brighter than Sirius is today (mag. Aldebaran marked the 2nd manzil, or Arabic Moon Mansion, Al Dabaran, The Follower. It seems that our ancient ancestors were clued into the magic and mysteries that these stars possess. Her ambitious drive and opportunism led her into questionable alliances. We can all connect with the powerful energies of Regulus when it meets with the Sun from August 22nd-25th. J.F.Ks son had Aldebaran MC and tragically died in a plane crash. Arnold Bax (06); British romantic composer and poet. WebAldebaran is active in your birth chart if you have the Sun, Moon, any planets, your Rising Sign, or Midheaven within 1-2 degrees of 9 degrees of Gemini. Woody eventually married their adopted daughter. The Winter Triangle and the Winter Hexagon, image: Wikisky. The Taurids of the 20th of November radiate from a point north of, and preceding, this star. The Italian astronomer Riccioli (1598-1671) cited, from Coptic people of Egypt, (Greek) Piorion, (Latin) Statio Hori; and Renouf identified Aldebaran with the indigenous Nile figure Sarit. From many corners of the globe, these stars seem to hold extra importance and divine significance. However, modern observations have shown that the variations have a smaller amplitude. Aldebaran, designated Alpha Tauri ( Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, Tau), is an orange giant star located about 65 light years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. Returns on X degree of Each sign. Regulas is at 29 degrees of Leo, and his meaning is one of fame, success, honor, and wealth. The star lies only 65.3 light years away, while the cluster is located at more than twice the distance (153 light years). Left to fend for herself as a young child on the rough streets of Paris. Its energy is most active as we cross from Leo Season into Virgo Season. Bobby Jindal; American politician, pro-life and anti-gay marriage. Of course so much drunken sex equals babies. It rotates very slowly, with a projected rotational velocity of 3.5 km/s, taking 520 days to complete a rotation. This maybe because they were born in poverty or they are running away from demons in their childhood. After this episode, he stole the wife of Bullabogabun, a great warrior, who followed the lovers tracks and quickly overtook them. Still associated with excessive drug use, despite cleaning up in his old age. ], With Mars: Great military preferment but attended by much danger; liable to accidents, fevers and a violent death. It formed one of the four royal stars of Persia as Watcher of the East. For all of us, He claims to have slept with at least 3000 women. They are easily pulled and seduced into scandals with the opposite sex. The last one means the star that goes ahead. In local lore, the star gives light for seven women giving birth, represented by the Pleiades cluster. Fomalhaut holds a highly transformative energy, reminding us that all things are temporary. Aldebaran is active in your birth chart if you have the Sun, Moon, any planets, your Rising Sign, or Midheaven within 1-2 degrees of 9 degrees of Gemini. Stationary Planets Tables. Otherwise these people do have the capability of being wicked themselves if they dont address the demons they may try to suppress. Sharing everywhere in the prominence given to its constellation, this was especially the case in Babylonian astronomy, where it marked the 5th ecliptic asterism Pidnu-sha-Shame, the Furrow of Heaven, perhaps representing the whole zodiac, and analogous to the Hebrew and Arabic Padan and Fadan, the Furrow. The Egyptians had a more benign interpretation, identifying Taurus with their own sacred bull, who fecundated the land every spring. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.30. [Robson, p.70.]. Our night sky is scattered with an endless number of stars, but there are four stars that seem to have captured the attention of ancient astrologers. The bulls eye is also a target remember. The moon in the George Lucas; Film director, famous for such epics as Starwarsand the Indiana Jones series. The star hosts a giant exoplanet, Aldebaran b, whose existence was confirmed in 2015. Died of internal bleeding due to life long alcohol abuse. Its estimated age is 6.4 billion years and its metallicity around 30% lower than the Suns. Alpha Tauri C and Alpha Tauri D are gravitationally bound to each other and form a binary system. The Persian astronomer Al Biruni (973-1048 A.D.) quoted strange Arabic titles for the comparatively vacant space{p.386} westward towards the Pleiades (a group of stars on the shoulders of the Bull), Al Daika, Growing Small, i.e. ], With Sun: Great energy and perseverance, high material honors but danger of losing them, danger from quarrels and the law, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, liable to disease, fevers and a violent death. Alexander Graham Bell (29); Innovative Scientist and inventor of the telephone. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (46); US first lady and wife of assassinated president John F Kennedy. The difference is that Aldebaran knows how to play the game. Julio Iglesias (10); Spanish singer. In Persian astronomy, the sky was divided into four districts and each was guarded by one of the stars. Web* ALDEBARAN Gemini 9 "Another red star, traditionally known as 'the Torch'. Campion, Nicholas, The Practical Astrologer, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1987. Jean Claude Van Itallie; Playwright who as a child, escaped from Nazi Germany to make a new life in the US. //
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