if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

I had her for 13 wonderful years, and she passed with Mast Cell Cancer. repeat offenders no. Hed been there before, after all. They should also have to forfeit that right. Do you know that there are people who only like puppies? If a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, should she be allowed to get pregnant at some future time? They should be getting fined for dropping off their pets and no sorry u are not allowed to back in the building EVER!!!!!! And I never got another dog until I could make this a forever home.valuable and painful lesson learned! Im not saying that is the cause, so please dont twist my words, but it would have been helpful if they quizzed me, and gave me situations on how to handle the dog before I just signed a line and took my baby home. When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. Otherwise youre trying to remove a spec from someones eye without removing the plank from your own first. If we could donate time and money to our local shelters then we can enact positive change. These same people would probably surrender their own children if they could legally get away with it. He tore up everything- my front and back doors, my carpet, every single hanger he found, as well as dishes, toys, trash and kitchen utensils. Caring for your animal costs more money than is received in adoption fees. Its not acceptable for more than 1/2 the reasons these poor innocents are dumped for. No. Sometimes this is written into the shelter contract when you get the dog originally. There are alternatives and often it takes time to rehome. Check with your local humane society/animal shelter. Adoption is serious and responsible people only should be pet owners! We dont know the circumstance. Fortunately, it also means the owner has put their faith in our judgement and level of care for the animal. They choose to adopt, but the shelter wont let them, so they are forced to go to the pet store. And also makes you sound holier than thou. Mid-South Spay Neuter's regular prices for spay/neuter are $55 & up for cats ($35 for feral cats) and $80 & up for dogs. No, we do not require a fee to surrender your pet (s). Contact us at (403) 205-4455. But then I got to thinking: things change. If your animal is spayed/neutered, and is not current on vaccines: SPCA's minimum cost of care: $257 - $277. I dont like the fact that he cant come in the house I too dont like animals that are allowed to roam free. If all alternatives have been explored and the pet owner is forced to surrender the pet, Animal Services is here to help. I think they should be put on a list be scrutinized before adoption. If it keeps a few more animals out of shelters, well its better than pet store or breeder purchases because the person is rejected by shelters. Also sometimes some shelters arent completely honest about the animals history and because they are trying to make a goal or have a contest they dont disclose all the accurate details they have. But where does the money come for that when so many shelters are already strapped for funds? I clicker-trained him. With much breaking of boards and other things what finally stopped her was lots of waterbut she still did not let go until she flipped him into the crate with her. He was only 18 months old (approximately his ex-humans didnt even care to make a note of the day he was born). Absolutely NOT. She is an inside-only dog, because my personal opinion is that pets should not be allowed to run free, ever. These people should NEVER be able to get another furbaby. My dog was fine with the idea of a cat joining the family. It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? Join our mailing list to receive the latest dog news, recall alerts, and giveaways! If your local shelter is high kill, then approach them and offer to start a foster or rescue program. Get off your high horse people. You may also consider the below locations for surrendering your pet: Miami-Dade Animal Services. I think it depends on the circumstances. So no never again to have a Dog. We have rescued 4 dogs and we already had our own and when we find someone who wants them I question them and tell them I want to see where they live. Different circumstances have been listed above and warrant different responses that are FAIR. Should future pet adoptions be conditional? The first time I worked for two years to get the two cats to get along and the spraying, fighting, etc. this more closely. How about taking your outrage out on them?! Anyone who gives up their animal should never be allowed to adopt again! It got to a point where I honestly stopped chasing him, and I prayed my neighbors didnt know he was mine. Period. This dog spends its life with you thinking he is one of the family, and loved; then he is dumped like inanimate garbage. All images and names which are not the property of The Dogington Post are the property of their respective owners. And I hate when people judge me and call me heartless when they dont have a clue of what I endured prior to his vet visits and after surrendering him. She wanted to also adopt one of our transport dogs in no uncertain terms and in very clear Spanish I made it understood that she will one day be treated as she treated her dog and to not complain about it. I made a contribution to the shelter in an amount that covered his care for the rest of his life. Hence why I think the above information would be good to document for possible future adoptions; I was visibally distraught, young, and couldnt give the care it needed; all reasons that can be fixed with time and maturity. Surrender fee: $150. Her being the good person she is, she gave the dog to a rescue that had the resources to care for the dog. i turned him into out local shelter who said they knew of a person who wanted a protection dog. When I found my first dog, Jackson, he was healthy and happy and wonderfulthen he was seriously injured by baby coyotes when my mom let him run a little too far by himself. I also have a cat that has to live in my garage and roam around the neighborhood it was dumped at my house I have had it neutered brought it today on shots microchip and flea treated. could not agree more they should never be allowed to get a pet of any sort ever cruel and sick. There needs to be a national DO NOT ADOPT list for every state. I loved that dog and I will always love her, but I couldnt force my cat to live in fear for the rest of her life and put her safety at risk, knowing it was only a matter of time before shed be killed. And so I still say no! So, NO I do not feel they should be able to adopt again. I feel that people who give up their pets just because they dont want them anymore should not be able to adopt from any shelter. A dog should not have to suffer, have to die, because of idiot humans. He cant walk at all. Shelters need to show the same compassion to humans that they claim to show yo animals. Tip: If you don't have the money to cover the pet surrender fee, you can let the shelter staff know; they might either use paid donations to pay it off or take in your dog for free. In this case, no adoption or pet for them ever. absolutely not. (Im guessing hes more likely a toddler, cause his life-stage became somewhat vague too, going from snapping at your baby to snapping & biting your son twice, and I bet my entire savings had your dog bitten your baby, ie, new-born/infant, just the once(! I was forced to take Remi and her kittens to the Animal Protective Association. Shes my Nutella in a jar!. It gets rather tiresome to hear people vilified for doing the right thing and taking a pet to a shelter when they cant (yes, or wont) care for an animal any longer. I cry still, and this was almost 5 years ago. The veterinarian I went to was wonderful and gave me options. and I have had different pets at home for as long as I can remember. As well as people contemplating buying a pet, should maybe have to go through a waiting period, one week, or even a few days so theres no chance of impulse buying. I hate people who do it dont get me wrong. When someone gets a pet they need to treat it as part of the family. I dont believe they should be allowed to adopt anymore dogs. They only become that way when they are ignored. She is part of my family and the choice was mine to make without researching to make the dog is the right fit for me. I guess Im not a bleeding heart like some of the people one here, but if Im having to $100-$1000 month after month to figure out why an animal I adopted, cared for, gave all my time and attention, is literally tearing my house apart, fighting my other animals, pissing on household furniture, clothing, other pets bedding, and the only thing I get is the same rigamarole from shelters and online sources. Both times an a cat who was already living with me couldnt deal with the new animal(s). If they surrender a pet their names should go on a do not adopt registry permantly. I have my baby since she was a pup she is now 12 and I would never think of giving her up because shes old, she also is diabetic and I give her two shots of insulin a day every 12 hours and that means that there are times that I could not go someplace because I need to be home to make sure I give her, her shot and thats okay because she is my baby and I love her more than I could ever express. I had to make the hardest decision of my life when I surrendered my dog to then Humane Society. You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. Give em a break for heavens sake. Adoptions are on the rise too as its now becoming more and more cool to adopt a rescued dog rather than buying an unhealthy, inbred dog from a backyard breeder/puppy mill. I attempted to monitor Sometimes there are cases where people cant keep their animals for financial or health reasons and they arent always able to find a spot in rescue, with a family member, or afford long-term boarding until their situation improves. I disagree with this. It's important to know what will take place once you relinquish your pet to a shelter or rescue and also to be aware that there are alternatives. Very bad weather was approaching so I moved the cat inside into a spare bedroom. I hv 3 dogs..all rescue. Animals are precious and depend on us for love and care. Its called the pound, not the shelter. However, it is important to make sure that the pet you are buying from Petco is healthy and well . You will need an appointment, and there is no fee to surrender, although we always accept donations to offset the cost of caring for the animals. She was 75 lbs and the dog she tossed around like a rag doll was 125 lbs. Should I be refused to adopt a dog in the future? But dont lump all surrenders in ther same category. People live on very restricted budget. I dont think so I guess it would be differant depending on the circumstances but pets are for life if your not willing to stick your neck out for them then you probably shouldnt have one.. Something that makes me so mad is when people surrender dogs because they get to big it is like if you didnt want a big dog then why did you get it.. People should really do their research before they get an animal. if have dunped an animal at a shelter than no u should not be able to adopt an animal. Surrendering a dog means that you are relinquishing ownership of the pet to a shelter or rescue. I didnt decide I was tired of my dog and get rid of him. Your dog/cat is now in a shelter that is loud and lit. Hed move 30-pound cinder blocks to cut through holes hed made in the fence. An animal is not a disposable object. Should definitely be put on do not adopt list if pet turned in to a kill shelter. Having a pet is a sacred privilege and a lifetime responsibility. The other big part of the problem I see is the amount of dogs being dumped due to the inability to pay the exorbitant price of dentals. She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even I was allowed near him. I mean Duh!, OF COURSE they should be (officially) denied to ever adopt another animal again, have their names blacklisted with every shelter nation-wide (and preferably be put on record -for life- on a [heartfelled wished] on-line register for animal abusers, just the same as with pedophile offenders, and/or rapists! Animal Humane Society may be able to help you keep your pet at home or there may be alternative re-homing options to consider. I recently found myself adopted by a If you cant do at least that much, then dont get one. The lame excuses of: I cant handle him, there too expensive, I dont have time, Im moving and my new place cant take animals dont fly. These people that surrender dogs and cats to be killed have no heart , there is just a black mussel that is pumping bad blood there. As it was said above-when you adopt-its for LIFE. So basically it should be based on why there was a previous surrender. I will always get a pet from a shelter from now on because the personality of the pet shows in that they are happy to have a home. Truth is, special or not, a majority of the dogs dumped will never again know what it means to have a family, to play with a toy, to enjoy a treat. A national list would be helpful, but it may be difficult for people to agree on what is legitimate and what is not. I have had 9 dogs so far, all except 2 from rescue or shelters, not a single one has ever been returned and I kept them till they passed and I miss them all. I strongly believe that anyone who surrenders their dog, should not be allowed to adopt again. Once all spaces are filled, pets are placed on a waiting list. He was a nervous dog and would bite without warning. Peoples situations and lives can change and sometimes people need a second chance as much as the pets. It would make more sense to compare it to never being allowed to have custody of a child because you abandoned another child in the past. Its like using abortion as a form of birth control. Its probably not a good idea to charge them or make it difficult to surrender because the will dump them. I think it dependssometimes folks do stupid things when they are ignorant. I would have to know the circumstances. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. These are the types of incentives that people need in order to adopt and remain committed. I just couldnt trust him after that. The medications for him were over $500 a month for four years (he passed recently) and being a 22 year old student and no insurance companies willing to take him, I would have lost him if my mother didnt decide to help. My cat lived in constant fear, unwilling to move from the kitchen counter most of the time. Things I couldnt do. In fact when we adopt on all papers that we sign it should read If its foreclosure, please try and find a Rescue if possible. Definitely NOT!!! Should a edict like this become law, I am sure the number of strays surrendered will double, at the very least. To which I say offer to foster as everyone wins and at least when you are 25yrs+ you will know if you want the ten to twenty year commitment or maybe you are just happy fostering a few months at a time. YES!! Ooops I didnt mean to comment twice! Each and every animal deserves to have a home. I am in a better place finanically, and recently became an owner of a dog I was fostering, and I go above and beyond for him every day I shouldnt have been punished and not allowed to keep this dog just because of the problems with Jackson. We should do our best to protect animals by not allowing the same person to abandon another in the future. The dog webt straight for my throat. To make a long store short we were told buy the rescue to RE HOMED the dog with the help of the rescue we got him from and we made sure that the people that adopted him new of this aggression and met the dog and said they were ok with it so they took the dog and guess what , it happen to them . Charging impoundment fees or adoption fees is quite common. No. You dont get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because thats what you signed up for. Stronger laws need to be made and enforced for irresponsible pet owners! Remi has now been adopted and I believe her four kittens have been adopted. We need to be harsher with people there are millions of life lost in these shelters!!! I am simply amazed at how judgmental people are when it comes to things they know absolutely nothing about. Not a killing shelter as a way to solve the persons problems. So while I understand the negative reactions to a lot of the silly reasons people surrender their pets I'm cautious to lump everyone whose done so together. Hmmm. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and they have no choice, but to surrender a pet. The vet immediately said put her down. I spent over a month looking for a home for my girl, to no avail. I hoped they would help him- with his sadness, his anxiousness, his escaping, getting him fixed. The majority of people who relinquish their animals do it because they have expended all other options. It broke my heart and I think of him every day. And their names should be added to a registered no adopt list! This doesnt need to be a law if every shelter or rescue requires it as part of the process, like the adoption application. As someone who has only had rescues all of my life, I cannot imagine someone doing this intentionally, knowing the outcome. Surrendering a Pet (Intake Process) . My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didnt like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after Id located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. It just breaks my heart for these animals! By all means: live your little heart out girl, but please dont bank on affecting me, cause you wouldnt succeed for a nano-second (I wont hold my breath waiting) Have a nice day. Not the fault of my son, so why should he be blocked from trying to adopt again. Heartless humans!!! We encourage you to exhaust all other options. Sadly, there arent enough foster homes to save every animal and those faces haunt my dreams, actually they haunt ALL rescuers dreams. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. I took on a boy recently who is considered a bite case these owners stressed and agonized about giving him up. There should also be a list for animal abusers too!!! But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just dont want it anymore, say its too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didnt want that particular gender. oO I totally understand that there are all kinds of circumstances, but I have to go with a NO because these people take an animal to a known Kill facility knowing that their dog or cat do not have the best chances of being adopted is just as bad as abuse. Pet ownership is something that should be for the pets whole life. People that just stop wanting one dog and will turn it into a shelter, even knowing it will probably be euthanized, will likely do it to another. And so at that point Im sure your vet would be willing to work with you on the cost. I DONT THINK THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE ANIMALS AGAIN FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS AND THEN UNDERGO TRAINING HOW TO TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS AND WHAT IT MEANS TO AN ANIMAL TO HAVE A HOME AND LOSE IT AND MAKE SURE THIS DOESNT HAPPEN AGAIN WHEN THEY GET A NEW COUCH!!! I AGREE WITH YOU 110% My wife and i just had the same unprovoked aggressiveness with our last rescue dog . Senior dogs are so gentle and loving; theyre still part of the family. Absolutely No!! Your dog gets hit by a car and you cant afford the medical bills so you surrender the pet to a shelter to be euthanized, no pet for you for 5 years minimum. If my mom wouldnt have been there, I would have had to put him down (which the vet first suggested), or give him to someone who could afford and care for him. There are no special cases. If you are thinking of surrendering your pet, please consider: Calling our Behaviour Helpline: We offer knowledgeable information and advice on a variety of pet behaviours. If I cared more about her former pets than she did, no way would I endorse her for another. How could anyone do this? They should be allowed to if their circumstances change for the better. It depends on the circumstances. Tough call that must be based individually for sure. They are not disposable-should not be able to adopt again. My pets are my children-for as long as theyll have me! Other times, people think they must give up their pet because they do not know how to handle a particular issue. Having a pet, is a commitment that requires feeding, training, walking them, taking them to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations, among other things. They are advised that the animal will most likely be PTS, and they still turn them in. Vicious with my daughter and one day he bit her in the face n because I surrender him no one wont let me adopt again n I feel its on fair. When you take a pet then everything must be taken into account. I believe it should be left up to the discretion of the shelter that took the animal and understands the entire picture. I could have been selfish and kept him, had him suffer just to be able to say he spent his last days with us. This program was developed to help families who need to make the difficult decision to rehome their beloved pets, but wish to take a more active role in the adoption process. If they simply could not afford to feed or care for that animal, I think there should be a way for them to be boarded at some shelters, and this person volunteer their time there to help cover the expenses. Especially if they are just dumping their dog off for convenience or some heartless reason like they want a younger dog, they should not be able to adopt at all. People who just throw them away should not be allowed to adopt again, UNLESS there were extraordinary circumstances. I know that it would be difficult to sort though applications to determine if a second chance is warranted, but I think back to how easily I accepted my ex giving away a dog many years ago (to an acquaintance) and know how devastated I would be now If I could not adopt, then the alternative is worse- to have a dog in my life I would have to turn to back yard breeders or pet shops- thus encouraging more irresponsible breeding. I do not believe that someone who gives up a pet should not be allowed to adopt another pet, nor purchase from a breeder (back yard, pet store what have you, but these are only in it for the money so a lot harder to condemn) However, I strongly feel that rescues and shelters should be able to provide assistance when it comes to tough times. Some people should not have pets OR children. We thought we did everything right, but he just couldnt handle the stress. Now, would I ever surrender my dog no matter what the circumstances were and I respond, NO WAY! If they try to adopt again, their name will be flagged, but the reason for previous surrender could be considered on a case by case basis. I would no more bring my dogs and cat to a shelter than I would have my children. There ARE situations that leave no other choice than to leave an animal. WTH was wrong with the people running that shelter, it just doesnt make any sense!!! I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. Anyone who knowingly leaves their dog at a kill shelter is not a person who can be trusted to take care of any pet now or in the future. I also think any person convicted of any type of neglect or abuse of ANY living being should be on all of those lists as well. I realize that a percentage will be euthanized, God forbid that I should ever have to give up my Freeway but it could happen where there was a fire or a hurricane here in Florida and I would be homeless or had to move in with a friend that would not allow dog . There is also the issue of if an adopter sells or gives away their dog to another individual, claims their pet died then adopts another one. That said, there needs to be a means of recordkeeping so when people want to adopt an animal, shelters can see whether they hsve a history of neglect, abuse, or surrendering animals. If they would take a responsible owner class,be inspected,and show financial security. I have not gotten a new dog since I have a cat now and I dont know how hed react although he loved Tov, who passed five years ago. A pet is a family member and you dont discard family members. However, Im sure there are certain circumstances where its in the dogs best interest to take it somewhere else. After staff evaluation, if your pet is deemed a medical or behavioral high risk, there is an additional $35 fee for the extra labor, behavioral enrichment, hospice care, medication, and possible euthanasia if you choose to still surrender your pet to the shelter. Id hope someone would forget or decide not to bother after a 5yr and a 10 yr ban. We should have a DNA list. Adopt a Pet Search all pets available for adoption. Have at it ridiculing publicgo for my jugular. BUT, there are extenuating circumstances at times in peoples lives..and I think based on just THIS story we are all judging these people. There should MOST DEFINITELY be a national registry database that requires all adopters to register online using a license or legal I.D. If they brought a pet back to a shelter, they should be put on a list and be banned for life from owning another animal! Appointment-based pet intake is beneficial for the pet and for the community. Someone out there knows a vet who is not in business just for the money. I have told my husband if I get a horribly expensive disease to get me pain meds and let me die. Would you rather people dump them in the country or leave them to starve in a backyard. Make sure surrendering your pet at this time is your final decision. Re-Homing. DEFINITELY, NO!!! I think it should be made that they cant adopt any more pets for a certain amount of years, like 5. Absolutely not! NO they should not adopt another pet it should go nation wide on a register that they brought their animal to a shelter and they should be banned from ever owning another animal. For ME personally, I would go to every effort to find somewhere for my dog. So we gave her a chance. Orange County residents can surrender their owned pet at the facility with an appointment. The people that turn in pets into shelters, their names need to put on a registry so that when they try to adopt again, their names are flagged and the application is denied. Maybe make it like a bankruptcy, so that for 3 or 5 years you cant adopt again, but if at that time you seem to be stable, you can. Before you jump to conclusions, think about the circumstances. There usually is never a good excuse to do it, the dog is to young and to much trouble, I moved, cant take it with me, hes to old and isnt any fun anymore and dont want to take care of it, etc., etc., etc., there are a million excuses and thats all they are, excuses and nothing to do with the love or welfare of the dog. Sadly, there arent enough foster homes to save every animal and understands the entire picture holes made... Pets available for adoption options to consider you take a responsible owner class, be inspected and. A pet then everything must be based individually for sure tossed around a... 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