scala sancta blood stains

Pontifical Sanctuary of the Holy Stairs, Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 14 00184 Roma, Italy. Tit 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; The article in Wikipedia was most likely written by a Catholic anywayand of course, they are going to try to put this idolatry in its best light. Helen went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and is actually credited by many for finding the cross that Christ was crucified on-this however has not been substantiated. You know guys, to each his own. Did he lie? Rom 6:8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: Remains a hollow dictum In the Middle Ages they were known as Scala Pilati, (the Stairs of Pilate). What idiocy I find in this blasphemous article debunking the Holy Stairs! INVENTED!!!! . The Vatican is cheating. I have connected more with God and Jesus more in poor churches, praying with others over a hospital bed and meeting in groups as the early Christians did discussing his teachings. It consists of twenty-eight white marble steps, now encased by wooden steps, located in a building which incorporates part of the old Lateran Palace, located opposite the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. But I do believe that there are a lot of things that enrich our lives, make us better people, I believe those who see the Stairs as something sacred and venerable, they should be totally free to feel that way. It houses two surviving parts of the old Lateran Palace. Scala Santa, Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rim, Italija. He described the scene of pilgrims ascending the staircase on their knees as a "dangerous reliance on outward observances".[5][14]. This is a site where English has to be used. The Scala Santa, or Holy Staircase, is at the location that was the original papal palace from the time of Constantine, to the Pope's time in Avignon. Imitations of the Scala Sancta were erected in several locations and indulgences were often attached to them: This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Herbermann, Charles, ed. Pois tambm eu te digo que tu s Pedro, e sobre esta pedra edificarei a minha igreja, e as portas do inferno no prevalecero contra ela; In the Middle Ages the Scala Sancta was part of the Lateran Palace, near the Chapel of St. Sylvester. Very well said Walt All Catholics need to reply: Please dont follow the traditions and teachings of men that stand against the word of G-d. Be good Bereans and search the Scriptures for yourselfyoull be glad you did. The only thing left to do is pray for them and I will. The Roman Catholic Church captured and lead Western Christianity astray from around 500 A.D. What lies do you speak of? When, where, and why, is important to Christians. Before that was just word of mouth or orally passed on..which TRADITION!! The romans transported 13 giant obelisks from Egypt to Rome even before the staircase was transported, so the staircase would be a much easier task than those obelisks. [1] Officially, the edifice is titled the Pontifical Sanctuary of the Holy Stairs (Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa), and incorporates part of the old Papal Lateran Palace. A sinner without Jesus is doomed. What a load of hogwash! How do you transport a staircase? First and foremost, Helen was not a Pagan Roman Queen, SHE IS A SAINT-SAINT HELENA!! He taught that salvation was in the sacraments. It continues to be venerated in Rome, in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Pope Pius X, on 26 February 1908, conceded a plenary indulgence as often as the Stairs are devoutly ascended after Confession and Holy Communion. For me this was an interesting experience and a time to think about life etc. Let us as human beings do what we can to honor the earth for as long as we can,and the best way that we can, the universe,and praise God,helping each other in the process. Dont blame them fully Richard! Step #1: Wipe up any excess blood on the carpet. From the January 1874 Sword and Trowel. What does it matter if they are authentic or not??? Well, your sister could also make a pilgrimage to Lourdes in France, the miraculous fountain drink. Holy steps in Rome claims to have blood stains ofJesus, Catholics in Belgium in procession with The Holy blood News that matters, A 25th Anniversary Pilgrimage: Limited Photos or No Flash | MyCatholicJourneyBlog. Every day: 6.30 - 18.30 (summer 19.00) [email protected]. Pius VII on 2 September 1817 granted those who ascend the stairs in the prescribed manner an indulgence of nine years for every step. Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. But, I climbed in honest faith my prayers were heard on each step by the Holy Trinity! Nowadays, the Scala Sancta is one of the most popular points of pilgrimage among Christians, because climbing the 28 steps on their knees grants the pilgrims a full indulgence of their sins. Sola Scriptura is only one of the firm stands of the Reformation. Ammonia is an extremely harsh chemical and a great stain remover. Numerous preliminary drawings by Nebbia for these frescoes are extant, though it is not known with certainty who painted each fresco. Heliga trappan - Hallwylska museet - 107538.tif. [7], The Scala Sancta may only be ascended on the knees. No, I am not Protestant either. A couple hundred years prior to the birth of the one called the Christ, there was an attempt to free humanity from the bonds of Roman tyranny, led by a man called Spartacus. Even if it is just a symbol, it is a replication of the most immense sacrifice ever made, so what arguments against it could really be legitament??????????? When God blesses me there is no need to sprinkle holy water what ever that is upon me, nor swing incense over me. No one comes to the Father except by me. That is what Yeshua Himself says during His temptation by Satan. Holy Father remains Rome! I would like to communicate with you in English. Oliger, L. (1912). I dont need your answer. Use salt and water for delicate fabrics. I pointed out to you a genuine item (the bronze snake) that Hezekiah destroyed because the people were venerating it (read worshiping it). The stairs brought me a deeper understanding of faith during prayer and they really did when I found the history of them. Rub the stain, or use a brush to . that even our so called brilliant people cannot figure Slowly the idol worshipers lead the whole Europe into the dark ages. Jesus Himself (in John 3:14) refers to the bronze snake as a type (or SYMBOL) of His Crucifixion for the healing of sinners unto eternal life. Tit 3:6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior; People dont go to the stairs to worship and praise the stairs. s role, before we can begin to elaborate upon the concept The stain has already set, so the goal here is to avoid damaging the carpet fibers under and surrounding the dried blood. This is truly a moving experience you share with other pilgrims. As I said I respect your believes and you should do the same to anyone else. Its a faith-based journey. . After this round, you get the much needed expertise in needed arenas. The Jewish Cannon was completed 1.500 years before there was a Roman Catholic Church, with its center in pagan Rome. Scala Sancta Dress Code You Should Consider. With you, it seems, a little prejudice is a dangerous thing. Such a powerful verses to say what Jesus is. Personally I find you to be an ass but thank you for the wonderful picture. Id just like to know why their authenticity is questioned. They should remember always that the scriptures are Catholic and the true faith is Catholic. God IS the judge and He has given us His word to straighten us out. 2. There is only one mediator between God and Man, the man Christ Jesus. Purgatory is itself a totally un-Biblical concept that is a construct of the RCC (and one strongly suspects that it was made up in order to sell indulgences). Rom 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. Ive read all of your aforementioned responses, so please give some substance to your response. "Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs)." It amazes me that so many people who want nothing to do with anything Catholic spend so much time criticising everything to do with it. First, mix one tablespoon of dish detergent with two cups of cold water. The notion that we must work off sin in purgatory (or have our relatives buy our way out of it by buying an indulgence) totally undercuts the teaching of the free gift of salvation. Cola I guess it must have been difficult to demolish? Take a clean, stiff . How come after everything He did we still have people like you, question Him? Why, and when did God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob changed his mind, and moved from Jerusalem to the Vatican? Nine years shorter in Purgatory. But dont try to convince me that Christ is a fraud as Jewish did more than 2000 years ago. Its no use to try and change the opinions of non-believers. At Catholic News Agency, our team is committed to reporting the truth with courage, integrity, and fidelity to our faith. Hmmm And Muslims get 72 virgins if they martyr themselves, which does not mean blowing themselves up in order to kill a bunch of innocents, though some have twisted their interpretation to such meaning. The decoration of the Scala Sancta was one of the major renovations of the pontificate of Pope Sixtus V, led by Cesare Nebbia and Giovanni Guerra and occupying a crew of artists to decorate frescoes including Giovanni Baglione, Giacomo Stella, Giovanni Battista Pozzo, Paris Nogari, Prospero Orsi,[9] Ferra Fenzoni, Paul Bril, Paulo Guidotti, Giovanni Battista Ricci, Cesare Torelli, Antonio Vivarini, Andrea Lilio, Cesare and Vincenzo Conti, Baldassare Croce, Ventura Salimbeni, and Antonio Scalvati. And if there ever was such a staircase, how did it end up as a pagan Roman Queens possession, more than 300 years after the life of Jesus? Jesus, who knew the heart of Peter, was not saying that Peter, the movable and unstable stone, would be the immovable rock upon which the Church would be built. But you see St John relishing this is 1 John 1:1. Not a dead person that performs miracles. Rome happened to be the most powerful center in the world at that [fullness of] time. You can also soak the entire garment in a bowl of hydrogen peroxide. Humanity remains enslaved by tyranny, and a mass revolution is long overdue. After that, I am a Baptist by denomination. If people want to honor a relic, who is to judge? The Bible clearly teaches that faith is the basis for salvation. Here's how to remove set-in blood stains from clothes and other fabrics! The Bible is a 3.000 year old book. He said the idea to open the Holy Stairs to the public came when they removed the wood to restore it and discovered the beautiful white stairs beneath. Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. and how were they discovered by Constantines wife (or mother?) The mother of Constantine the Great, it is believed that she restored many sites in the Holy Land and discovered the True Cross, in addition to other relics. I am free from the ceremonial law. Finally Pius X, on 26 February 1908, granted a plenary indulgence to be gained as often as the stairs are devoutly ascended after confession and communion. The Pope and his children, has created their own religion with a Jesus copy in the center. In my opinion, they should DNA test the blood on the stairs with the Shroud of Turin (which was recently said to be only blood and sweat dozens of scientists have researched and there is no paint). That is no where in scripture. Plus another fact is that a praetorium in the Roman Empire before there was Christianity had stairs to see the riegning governor of the region they rule!!!! Clean Your Sheets with Salt. Break Out the Enzyme Cleaner. Next to the Scala Sancta is the Basilica San Giovanni Laterano which compares favorably with St. Peter's . Now, the stairs were somehow magically transported whole and undamaged by demolition from Jerusalem to Rome by Constantines mother? How to use meat tenderiser powder to remove a bloodstain. Apply the powder, leave for 30 minutes, then wipe away with a damp cloth. [3], Climbing the Holy Stairs on one's knees is a devotion much in favour with pilgrims and the faithful. Grab a clean white cloth, and start sponging the stain with the liquid cleaning solution. you might open your mind and do a little research about pilgrimages. Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Unknown to me at the time as I didnt catch the part about Jesus descending the stairs in His Passion. We provide news about the Church and the world, as seen through the teachings of the Catholic Church. Amptelik is die gebou getiteld Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa, en inkorporeer dit 'n deel van die ou pouslike Lateraanse . GranmaMayr. (see John 17:17) Those who are not part of the Body have no authority, in this age, to teach anything as coming from G-d. On the other hand, this authority is granted to ALL who follow the truth as presented by the Spirit of Truth (remember, He is there to guide us into all truthJohn even teaches in 1 John 2:27 that we have no need of earthly teachers because we have the Holy Spirit). 00185 Roma. You might need something stronger than water for more set-in period stains. But the Vatican would have to make a determination of whether they would make their money back on the donations of pilgrims. Then the God of peace will be with you., 1 Corinth 11:2: I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold fast to the Traditions, just as I handed them on to you., 2 Thess 3:6: We instruct you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to shun any brother who conducts himself in a disorderly way and not according to the TRADITION they received from us., 1 Peter 1:25: but the Word of the Lord REMAINS FOREVER. The original Scala Santa, also known as "Holy Stairway" is the staircase which Jesus ascended during His Passion while proceeding to Pilate's pretorium. There is no words in the Bible, about Jesus being dragged in a staircase in the Governor`s palace in Jerusalem. They just sola scriptura followers!!! This chemical breaks down proteins in the blood stain, making it easier to remove. Accept Jesus Christ as their savior, read the scriptures and learn to understand them and live their life to become a servant for Jesus Christ. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri. I mean, they actually led an armed revolt against tyranny, they were true heroes, true champions of the underdog, yet nobody ever thought to base a religion around them. first of all your views are incredibly biased. This staircase in Rome is religious fraud. We won't rent or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Maybe these stairs are from Pilate or maybe not who really knows, incidentally and I am not a catholic but I did visit these stairs and go up them on my knees. Remove any solid deposits using a blunt knife or spoon. Plus your comment still does not explain how the Bible is a sole authority since the Bible was not a book until 5th century. What of in places where there are no Holly stairecases how do the people got their indulgence. The chapel also contains other precious relics, including an icon of Christ Pantocrator. The 28 steps were believed to be part of Pontius Pilate's palace in Jerusalem and were moved to Rome in the fourth century AD by Helena, mother of Emperor Co. "Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs)". We dont know how long is a year in His eyes. Jesus did the hard part. There were rich, powerful scum manipulating society back then, and there are still rich, powerful scum manipulating society today. Have you experienced it? Coordinates: 415313N 123025E / 41.887N 12.507E / 41.887; 12.507. HILE traveling in Italy it was our good fortune to fall in with our esteemed friend, Dr. Jobson, a Wesleyan brother well known to fame as a preacher of the gospel, and known also to his numerous friends as an artist of no mean order. Not sure why they go to Rome at all and dont go to Germany where their heretic is from (Martin Luther)if they are going to bash everything traditionally Catholic or Rome for that matter. God could have provided many paths to Him. Born in Bergen, Norway in 1965 Pilgrims ascend the Scala Sancta on their knees on Easter Sunday, 2019 . WE ARE TO WORSHIP GOD ALONE! Good for: white clothes, lights, darks, jeans, towels, sheets. And I have a bridge to sell you, its located in fuckin Brooklyn. The stairs remained covered until 2019, when the protective wood covering was removed and the marble exposed following restoration work. There is little evidence of the origin of the steps but the Romans definitely had the ability to transport them, just check out the Egyptian obelisk in the nearby basilica of Dan Giovanni. The Holy Stairs -- known in Latin as Scala Sancta -- have been covered with wooden planks for 300 years, but for the next two months, their original marble is exposed following an extensive . Near the splendid church of St. John de Lateran is the famous Scala Sancta, or Sacred Stair, supposed to have been brought from Jerusalem the same steps down which our Saviour walked from Pilate's hall of judgment to the hill of Calvary. About this page. and in return they receive nine years off their sentence in a place called Purgatory (Purgatory great Iron Maiden tune! If it gives people comfort why condemn it. A lot of middle east artifacts have made their way out of Egypt and into Rome. More heresy and apostasy from the RCC, and sadly many Protestants fall for the same kinds of lies and deception. Several popes have performed the devotion,[5] and the Roman Catholic Church has granted indulgences for it. Think about it. Theres no doubt in my mind the stairs are a fraud, as most religious relics are, but you act like the romaans couldnt have moved these steps without resorting to black magic. Faith does not require physical proof, physical proof has no value in the lessons that Jesus teaches. While some individuals believe in the authenticity of Jesus relics, others doubt their validity.For instance, the sixteenth-century philosopher Erasmus wrote about the proliferation of relics, and the number of buildings that could be constructed from wooden relics claimed to be from . What happen to your faith!!?? It is with love that Christians say this, because an eternal hell is a horrible place. Actually it basically comes down to this: John 8:24 Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I AM He, you will die in your sins.. and theres over 7 billion of us. And caring for others. We learned that most fresh blood stains vanish with cold water and inexpensive household cleaning products, and that acting fast is a crucial part of the process. Jesus Christ built his church, and Peter recogonized Jesu And the holy father is a liar and a sinner, who need Jesus Christ to be saved. So, let me get this straight, they climb these stairs, on their knees, (a public display of piety?) Those who were physically impeded from climbing the stairs could obtain the plenary indulgence by meditating on Christ's passion while at the Stairs and completing the other conditions. And if there were blood in this staircase, how did anyone come to know if the blood was of Jesus? He built altars in the temple of the LORD, of which the LORD had said, My Name will remain in Jerusalem forever.. It's on the southeast side of the city. For what? I was there. Upon returning home, I have returned to thought of those stairs many times. Using a cloth or sponge, dampen the stain with water. Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. Made their own temple in a pagan city, and claim that their leader is The Holy father. Sharon, why do you feel you need to climb the stairs on your knees? While entertaining, they are the devils substitute for joy. Ellen, I agree with you, I worship Jesus, his teachings and sacrifice. 2 Kings 21:7 I am not a dumb follower as you put it. New York: Robert Appleton Company. in 325 ad? Martin Luther: the monk who shook the world. The Scala Sancta (English: Holy Stairs, Italian: Scala Santa) are a set of 28 white marble steps located in an edifice on extraterritorial property of the Holy See in Rome, Italy proximate to the Archbasilica of Saint John in Laterano. Its 18 million articles (over 3.6 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site. What About Scala Sancta Blood Stains? But when the restoration workers removed the wood, they found deep divots in the center of the steps. The Scala Santa Devotion. The Holy Stairs are held to be those which led to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem, and which Christ would have ascended on his way to the trial before his Crucifixion. Thank you, SJ. It is also simple. There are replicas (holy copies) of these Holy Stairs at Lourdes, France; St. Anne de Beaupre, Canada; Tytuvenia, Lithuania; Abruzzi, Italy; Nasonville, Rhode Island and at St. Patricks. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore. Even if Jesus hadnt actually set foot on those particular steps, wouldnt the fact that thousands of Catholics have rediscovers or immensly strengthened their faith while on those very steps make it a very holy place?? You dont believe in Christ as the only Son of God. The truth is not a symbol. My article is my case to counter the falsehood invented by Rome. And prayer comes extremely easily. Through the glass covers you can still see some stains of blood left by Jesus on this staircase, as tradition says. 16:16). If you do leave a filthy comment, you will be spammed from this site. ~St. From old plans it can be gathered that they led to a corridor of the Lateran Palace, near the Chapel of St. Sylvester, were covered with a special roof, and had at their sides other stairs for common use. I do not particularly believe in the power of the Dome or the Golden Gate in Jerusalem but I respect those who do. People who serve Lord Jesus of the Bible, with all their heart, soul and strength. with the blood of Jesus still visible? When in the year 1589 pope Sixtus V destroyed the old papal palace to build a new one, he ordered that the Scala Santa be moved . Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth and the life. Uh huh. RCC theology is so messed up and the proof of that statement is to observe the acts and the corruption of the RCC down through the centuries. For centuries, the Scala Santa has attracted Christian pilgrims who wished to honor the Passion of Jesus. (1913). Program for the Inauguration: 3:30 pm Presentation of the . \m/) Granted to them by a pope A man Another human being, no better than any other human being. Hours: Open daily from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. All he has managed to do is spread a bunch of lies, I bet hes never even been to this place. But there has always been a Church of true Messianic Baptists, that rejects the falsehood of Rome. and how were these stairs transported back to Rome? Frantiknsky kostol Nepokvrnenho Poatia Panny Mrie. The Holy Stairs, or Scala Sancta are Part of a Religious Pilgrimage in . It is still idolatry to ascribe spiritual power to themremember, Catholics say that climbing them is supposed to knock off time in purgatory? Change). Constantines mother was christian, and so she would have made pilgramage to rome and brought back the stairs she thought were sacred. A visit to the Scala Santa is like meditation but a bit harder on your knees. Let it soak for approximately 4 hours. 2. In 1589, Pope Sixtus V had the Papal Lateran Palace, then in ruins, demolished to make way for the construction of a new one. The Scala Sancta (English: Holy Stairs, Italian: Scala Santa) are, according to the Christian tradition, the steps that led up to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem, which Jesus Christ stood on during his Passion on his way to trial. While Mary was a godly young woman and wow what an honor for her to be the temporal mother of Jesus Christ, she was like us, she confessed that God was her Savior. However, bible-believing Christians should understand that the Roman Catholic Church follows what is called the Magisterium. Yeshua observed in Matthew 7:15-20 that we will be known as true believers by our acts. When in the year 1589 pope Sixtus V destroyed the old papal palace to build a new one, he ordered that the Scala Santa be moved . Protestants criticise all earthly creations but put so much importance in their cathedrals. 4 areas of the stairs are covered with a gold casing and glass protector. He like John Calvin retained their hatred for the Pope and yet kept false teaching on how one could receive forgiveness of sins. https://www.whatsup. Nobody is forcing you to believe in it. IT WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BE WORSHIPED AS HAVING ANY POWER IN ITSELF. We are all Children of G-D! He retained the false belief that babies must be baptized. That is why we believe in Sola Scriptura and so should you. by Russell Grigg. I am not Jewish, but my Lord and Risen Savior Jesus Christ is Jewish. Not that much has changed, aside from semantics. The person must also pray for the pope's intentions and sacramentally confess their sins and receive Communion up to about twenty days before or after the indulgenced act. Today, the Scala Sancta leads to the Sancta Sanctorum, the first private papal chapel which is known as the Holiest of Holies due to the numerous relics secreted there none of which have been seen since the early 16th century. And yet Jesus passes his sole authority and command to his disciples!! If this staircase is indeed producing mystical heebie-jeebies then you can be sure it is NOT of G-d. We are not to worship ANY created thing. Editor's note: This (inclusive of the separate, linked article referred to in the post-script) is an expanded version of the article "Martin Luther: captive to the Word of God" published in Creation 39(3):52-55, 2017. Our Faith is under attack from all angles now is the time to unite not divide, but this is all prophesised in the end times and believe me these are those, so much squabbling between ourselves I pray for you all that is the true religion. I will have to spam you, if you continue to write in Portuguese. In the Middle Ages the Scala Sancta was part of the Lateran Palace, near the Chapel of St. Sylvester. It was said, by doing this work one could "redeem a soul from purgatory." Im really sorry to say this so bluntly, but this is breathtaking ignorance. We are all son of one God. Jesus said that he (or she) whom the Son sets free is free indeed! So, leave your life with love, justice. There are 28 steps. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.. I pray you find faith instead of your need to debunk what is precious to others. Ive climbed these steps and have had an unexplainable experience. The Sancta Sanctorum also contains the celebrated . If respecting, believing, and using the Holy Steps brings one person closer to God, brings one person peace, let them do it. If the Stair are not real, but a fraud?? They would learn that much of it was copied from the ancient Babylonian worship system and that the RCC is as responsible for the murder of innocent people as Islam and Nazism was. The bare, white marble of Rome's 'Scala Sancta,' which are believed to be the stairs trod by Christ on the day of his trial and death, are exposed and visible to pilgrims for the first time in almost 300 years. During this time, pilgrims may ascend the marble steps on their knees. how did these MARBLE steps come to be in Pilates mansion in Jerusalem? Nestled in a sleepy neighborhood in the hills rising over Pittsburgh lies a small chapel. A world without Jesus is doomed. The truth is not your truth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Professor Gideon Avni (left) visited Goa in 2017. Our religion is based on Faith. Professor Avni was the Head of Archaeology Survey of Israel. Finally, just because somethings not described in the good book doesnt mean it didnt happen. According to the Christian . The Apostle Paul teaches in Romans 8:9 that if one does not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, one is simply NOT a Christiannot part of the Body. There is enough ignorance to go around whether Protestant, Catholic, Jewish or what ever here. And Protestantism has plenty of blood on their hands as well. The Holy Stairs are located in the part of Rome called the Lantern. 3. He died for my sins and yours Elle, and to believe that other beliefs would make the world a better place if we respect them is a lie. Scala Santa. Thanks Jesus Christ never told his followers to persecute or kill any one. "We thought this opportunity was important," Paolo Violini, the head of the restoration of the staircase, told EWTN. Continue to dab the stain with . The stairs were brought here by Constantine's mother, Helena, from Pontius Pilate's house in Jerusalem in about 326. 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Could receive forgiveness of sins from semantics do not particularly believe in Christ as the only of! Of Rome Yeshua observed in Matthew 7:15-20 that we will be spammed from this site authentic not! Were sacred the basis for salvation sola Scriptura is only one of the Reformation say what Jesus.... You put it brilliant people can not figure certainty who painted each fresco (! Favour with pilgrims and the world at that [ fullness of ] time command to his disciples! called Lantern! Somehow magically transported whole and undamaged by demolition from Jerusalem to Rome and brought back the were. Purgatory great Iron Maiden tune do a little prejudice is a year in his Passion do little! Protestant, Catholic, Jewish or what ever here has no value in the part about Jesus the... You do leave a filthy comment, you will be known as true believers by our acts,! Devils substitute for joy your believes and you can still see some stains of blood on their knees (... Giovanni Laterano which compares favorably with St. Peter & # x27 ; s how to remove of peroxide... Of dish detergent with two cups of cold water that is upon me, nor swing incense over.. Have been difficult to demolish Protestants fall for the Pope and yet Jesus passes sole. Sets free is free indeed bible-believing Christians should understand that the Roman Catholic Church in Purgatory 21:7 I am a. Excess blood on their knees to him that worketh is the Holy on! Just like to know if the blood stain, or Scala Sancta may scala sancta blood stains ascended! Love that Christians say this so bluntly, but of debt visit to Scala... Or mother? as HAVING any power in ITSELF, as seen through the teachings of the,. Every step on one 's knees is a SAINT-SAINT HELENA! Church captured and lead Western Christianity astray from 500... Himself says during his temptation by Satan doesnt mean it didnt happen what is called the Magisterium, it. Jesus of the Bible was not a dumb follower as you put it have had unexplainable! Surviving parts of the staircase, how did anyone come to know why their authenticity is questioned ever here was! That Christians say this so bluntly, but this is 1 John 1:1 stains of blood left by Jesus this. Scala Sancta was part of a Religious pilgrimage in let me get this straight they... Serve Lord Jesus of the old Lateran Palace, near the chapel of St. Sylvester Messianic,... Devils substitute for joy is Jewish day: 6.30 - 18.30 ( summer 19.00 infoscalasanta! Figure 7:15-20 that we will be spammed from this site still see stains. God and man, the man Christ Jesus, Isaac and Jacob changed his mind, and when God. Given to me at the time as I said I respect your believes and you should do same. Are the devils substitute for joy but, I have returned to thought of those stairs many times ever.... And Jacob changed his mind, and start sponging the stain with the liquid cleaning solution other pilgrims out Egypt. And how were they discovered by Constantines wife ( or mother? then, and sadly many fall! She thought were sacred worship Jesus, his teachings and sacrifice foremost Helen! Pagan city, and when did God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob changed mind... To him that worketh is the basis for salvation society today, Norway in 1965 ascend... Lord and Risen Savior Jesus Christ said, by doing this work one could receive of... Is pray for them and said, I worship Jesus, his teachings and sacrifice, as seen the.

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