And given that the company carries 600,000 people per day, the amount of electricity they need isnt trivial around 1.2 billion kWh of electricity a year. It seems that NS may be outsourcing costs as well as power. As of October2022[update], wind power in the Netherlands has an installed capacity of 8,304 MW, 29.6% of which is based offshore. It is 100% powered by electric. [5] This will contribute towards the Dutch target of 14% renewable energy use out of total energy use by 2020[10] and 16% by 2023. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction, writes author Roger Andrews. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. [3], In March 2022, the Dutch government announced that by 2030 offshore wind was to become the Netherlands' biggest power source, aiming at 21 GW of installed capacity.[4]. The electrons that run the electrified portion of the NS system come from many sources, including wind, but also from coal, natural gas, and nuclear. Since 2019, the buses have been powered by HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) made from processed deep fryer oil and industrial fats. [9] As a first step, the government has determined 65 sites for offshore wind farms in the North Sea and IJsselmeer. [1] [2] [7] The project cost $272 million and is cooperatively owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the Dutch utility company Nuon. Great post. In 2006, the Egmond aan Zee Offshore Wind Farm was built, consisting of 36 Vestas V90 3MW turbines, totaling 108 MW, sufficient to light 100,000 houses. Either figure comfortably exceeds the amount of electricity NS uses to power its electric trains, which is variously quoted as either 1.2 or 1.4TWh/year. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to According to a government web page ( now removed!) Probably not. This year, Dutch commuters ditched fossil fuels to power their country's trains on 100% wind energy - and it's a grand idea that's catching on the world over. When challenged on its claim, NS clarified that only the electrified portion of its system runs completely on wind power. If not, Im sure their stranded customers would be happy to explain it to them. Instead of trains recovering energy for their own use, any excess power is directed to a centralized bank of lithium-ion batteries. The Netherlands is also well prepared for a significant rise in the production of intermittent power from wind energy by good linkages to its neighbours via high voltage cables enabling power to be imported or exported as required. Obvious to the meanest intelligence. Once stored, this electricity can be sold to the main power grid, helping the city to top up peak demand, and earning the train company money in the process. (End of excerpt). [21], In November 2011, the Dutch government decided to no longer fund 6 billion per year to maintain subsidized wind kWh at 0.18. This is about two-thirds of the system. What the Netherlands gets when it imports it is the energy mix on the German grid. You only have to see their numbersbto know. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to Well, it actually claims that only the electrified portion runs on 100% wind. Where I post my arguments on various things climate-related, belief that a 100% renewable-powered train can and does exist is ubiquitous. The US city of Philadelphia has taken regenerative braking to a new level though. Homer-Dixon did not write this viral quote, but he did comment on it in a May 2018 blog post entitled: "No . I am surrounded by almost 3000 MWs of hydro power in my county alone, but because of these guarantees of origin my supposed consumption is very dirty, consisting mostly of a central European mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear with some renewables added. (my emphasis). Since Lithuania has a chronic power shortage the flow normally goes North-South. The Nuclear Humanist 1.75K subscribers 40 Dislike Share 814 views Jul 23, 2017 The Dutch Railway Corporation. More than wind and solar together right now. [5] In 2020 wind power provided 11.54% of the Dutch electricity generation (see table above) while solar power provided an additional 7.25% for a combined 18.79% - easily meeting the target without taking other renewable sources into account, even though the target for onshore wind capacity was not met. Only about 2% of Finlands generation mix is wind, and by the time it passes through the Finnish, Swedish and German grids on its way to the Netherlands it will effectively have disappeared. The 600,000 Dutch that travel daily by train will now do so thanks purely to wind energy, with the national rail operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) announcing that 100 percent of its. I read about them and saw a documentary film about them. 22 May 2018. The Dutch and other people draw energy from the European grid, which has been generated by many sources. There is a DC interconnector (LitPol, 500 MW) between Lithuania and Poland now, and in addition the NordBalt (DC 700 MW) between Sweden and Lithuania. Bolthouse Farms Sued After Smoothie With 100% Fruit Juice Tests Positive for PFAS, EPA Announces $27 Billion Fund to Help Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Transition to Renewable Energy, Derailed Train Cars in Ohio Were Not Labeled Hazardous, Wind Turbine Giant Proposes New York Factory That Would Create 420 Jobs and $500M in Local Investments. Rail networks source this electricity from the grid, and just like for our homes, its transmitted to them via high-voltage lines. Under this system the government chooses locations and organizes tenders for projects of 350 MW, and project developers can offer bids for each farm. Especially since there are no green electrons. quite an amount of work youve done there, It doesnt add up ! Wind power from Finland can be discounted. As of January 1, all electric passenger trains on the Dutch rail network have been run on wind energy, according to a statement from operator NS (via EcoWatch ). Ah, so they're contracted for wind energy offset, not 100% wind energy powered. (Although Eneco, NSs wind power procurer, claims that its wind farm portfolio guarantees sufficient capacity to cover such eventualities . On-board energy storage systems, such as batteries; An overhead wire that the train connects to; or. Active 2016. Even cheap electricity doesnt change anything. How Sustainable and Ethical Is the Tuna at Your Supermarket? Two of the models are still under production. But its a funny read. , I am told Biogas is not actually allowed in our pipeline system.. [1], By December 2013, 1,975 wind turbines were operational on land in the Netherlands, with an aggregate capacity of 2,479 MW. As of Jan. 1, 600,000 daily train passengers have been traveling completely carbon neutral, according to an announcement from the Netherlands principal passenger railway operator, NS. Produced at least 8 models with power outputs of 100, 250, 500, 1000kW. UK Government to Announce New Energy Policies, Waking into our new volatile age of oil prices. There is a tight social net up to the point where their transfer income pays for their existence. The Harried Dutch commuters who are travelling on one of the most environmentally friendly rail networks in the whole of Europe, if not the world are being sold a bill of goods. The 50 Hz, with 3000 RPM generators in Europe, may be due to various reasons, Here is an explanation. This article was amended on 11 January 2017. The claim by the Dutch railway network, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), is almost entirely a sleight of hand. Rod, you must live in Albania E.ON wanted to put my tariff up from 9.79p to 13.87p. Imports from the German grid, however, will contain about 14% wind power, although not wind power that NS has contracted for. Supply from all generators is monitored in any case, all youd have to do is add up the The fun would be that trains would soon be blocking the lines as power production fell. I paid 1100 Euros/year for a 150 m2 house, at 1000 m altitude on the French alps, heating, hot water, everything included. The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nation's share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. There are very little poor people in Germany. Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. The third that by purchasing wind power that would otherwise have gone elsewhere NS is leaving the door open for more wind projects and more CO2 reductions is the only one that offers any tangible benefits. Indirect Contributions Are Essential To Physics, The Crisis In Theoretical Particle Physics Is Not A Moral Imperative, Why Study Science? This was 2015 data, so the wind fraction seems to have gone up from 7% to 10% but coal is really powering those trains at least 3x more than wind hey, coal powered trains, where have I heard that before? If you would like to know more, click here. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar, Andrews explains. I am laughing. The concept of net energy must be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics. However, it seems officials have been able to beat that goal by an entire year. But it really doesnt matter which countries the Finnish wind power passes through on its way to the Netherlands. They would stop when there isnt any, obs. There are several Dutch turbine manufacturers that continue to manufacture both large and small installations for domestic and international clients. If there was a utility providing KiteGen power I would sign up with them. "Exploiting wind power in Holland." All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . The 600,000 daily. Established 1983. Since 1 January, 100% of our trains are running on wind energy. supply from NSs contracted windfarms,and if their supply drops below the train systems demand, The Dutch Railways Company NS is the world's first railway company that gets 100% of its energy from wind energy. There is a way of saying this, which characterises this behaviour, but I cant write it here because it is not politically correct too bad. heavyweather~ Im sure you can link us to sites which prove your point. [17] Where the parks will come and how they will be built is still being discussed. Its worth remembering that data on wind and solar is available here: Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. This is hardly enough to make a big deal about. There is, however, a problem. Just whatever serves your agenda. This passage was written by David Hughes. wind power in the Netherlands generates 7.4 billion kWh (7.4TWh) of electricity annually, and according to BP the Netherlands total electricity generation in 2015 was 109.6TWh. Switch them back on by degrees. EDF was 13.44p but I keep reading comments about how RE fans should take electricity only from PV and wind turbines, so I decided I should do the same. As of the first of January this year, all public transport trains are being powered by renewable energy, namely from wind power. This type of fuel is considered to be climate-neutral, as it does not cause CO2 emissions. I have caught people several times in their lectures saying they are burning biogas on a campus, and they always are sheepish when I call them out on it, because they know they are fibbing. Surprisingly, even the electricity is sourced from windmill electric generato. As well as the technological problems discussed in this blog can we afford this destruction of our landscapes pursuing this RE dream. [15], In February 2022 the Netherlands announced it increased its offshore wind target to 21 GW by 2030. Homer-Dixon, Thomas. Google will allegedly power all its operations with renewable energy this year by doing exactly the same thing. "So we in fact reached our goal a year earlier than planned," spokesman Ton Boon told AFP. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Stuart There are very little poor people in Germany.,, The Spiegel FUD wont cut it. from northern Maine to southern Florida, about 1800 miles in 0.01 second. When wind power is fed into a grid it becomes inextricably mixed with all the vibrating electrons from other generation sources to the point where there is no way of knowing where any power taken from the grid came from. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction. Belgium and Finland, wind farm portfolio guarantees sufficient capacity to cover such eventualities,,,, Whats the trick? An Eneco and NS joint website. TL;DR Dutch trains run on natural gas and coal power, not wind power. Bach supplies data for Belgium, which should be a close analogy, and Figure 4 shows Belgian wind generation for September 2014: Figure 4: Belgian wind generation, September 2014, With an installed capacity of around 1850MW in this month the overall wind capacity factor was 11% and there were a number of occasions on which wind generation fell effectively to zero for hours on end. The farm consists of three smaller wind farms owned by separate organisations with local community links. The two Dutch wind farms that have contracted to sell power to NS (Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen) are both connected directly to the Dutch grid, along with all the other power plants in the country, and NS draws its power from the grid: Figure 3: The Netherlands' electricity grid. Whats the trick? Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of You make one good point here which is that France has cheap electricity but expensive heating. Berlin Neighborhood to Experiment With Eliminating Parking Spaces, High PFAS Levels in Norwegian Arctic Ice Pose New Risk to Wildlife, Report: London Ultra Low Emissions Zone Succeeded in Curbing Harmful Air Pollution, Studies Find Louisiana Government Helped Create Cancer Alley, Prestigious Engineering Prize Awarded to Pioneering Solar Team, Leaked Video Shows Sediment Release in Deep-Sea Mining Test, After Record-Breaking 2022, China Told to Brace for Another Year of Weather Extremes, Seed Saving 101: Everything You Need to Know. Eneco has made a point . So, 1) I didnt write the text, 2) the text itself is selectively quoted, and 3) the argument it makes, taken in isolation, is meaningless. They hope to reduce the energy used per passenger by a further 35% by 2020 compared with 2005. The role of the third (or conductor) rail is to ensure that the electricity is always directly available, so its installed alongside, or in between, the pair of running rails (Keep an eye out for it when youre next on an underground train). Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. At near the speed of light, is there such a thing as national or regional energy mix, other than in our habit forming minds? Since 2015 there has been a trend towards the deployment and planning for large wind farms, both onshore and offshore, with a view to the approximate tripling wind power capacity from 2015 levels by 2023. The truth is that its impossible to determine the source of electrons actually moving NS trains down the track. How it then gets used depends on the city were in. . - YouTube 0:00 / 6:04 Do Dutch trains run on Wind? More than 12% of the Netherland's electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly biomass and waste (5% of the total) and wind (7% of the total). Railway Gazette reports that NS records about 1.2 million passenger-journeys per day, with an annual energy requirement for 1.2 billion kWh. Companies that want to claim that they run on green energy then just have to buy enough GoOs to cover their energy demand. Physically it makes no difference as you say, but as HeavyWeather pointed out above my money is now going to fund reactors not Energiewende, so Im happy. They say that this makes them the first rail company in the world that runs it fleet entirely on renewable energy. So even if this claim were true, it would require exponentially more windmills and/or solar panels to cover any significant portion of the continental United States. You still technically get your power from the electric company, but you pay little to nothing for it because you are supplying them electricity. Thus, all of NE has the same energy mix, i.e., there is not one mix for VT, another for NH, or one mix for the Netherlands, another for Germany. Whilst there are a growing number of large onshore wind farms in Holland, most of the onshore farms in 2015 consisted of a large number of small wind farms, including many single installation turbines as well as farms of between 110 turbines. As Enecos account manager Michel Kerkhof pointed out, the key objective is to avoid procuring energy from the limited existing number of sustainable energy projects in the Netherlands, thus promoting renewable growth both domestically and Europe-wide., This partnership ensures that new investments can be made in even newer wind farms, which will increase the share of renewable energy, Kerkhof continued. Rather they act like a component in an electric circuit. 2015 was a record year for the countrys wind industry according to the Global Wind Energy Council, turbines capable of generating 586 MW of electricity were installed between January and December. Its standard accounting practice. Deregulation Is Still Wrong for Consumers. EV Use Is Growing, But Where Are The Chargers. The headline: Netherlands Trains Now Running on 100% Wind Power. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. But there is no guarantee that the unfilled demand will be met by renewables, and in any event the 1.2-1.4TWh/year consumed by NS represents barely more than 1% of the Netherlands annual electricity consumption and a totally negligible fraction of European consumption. The company aims to further reduce consumption by 2 percent a year with an energy efficiency program, with total consumption already reduced by 30 percent since 2005. Earlier this week, one of their national railway companies, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), announced that, since 1st January, every single one of its electric trains have been running on energy harvested from wind. Started operations 2009. The other half comes from newly built wind farms in . And of course no such connections exist. These wind turbines generate enough power to sustain the equivalent of 2.4 million homes. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction, writes author Roger Andrews. The wholesale price of GOs seems to be a mere 0.36/MWh or so. It is reportedly due to the early completion of some of these farms that enabled the 100% wind target to be reached one year in advance. The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. [2] [6] The wind park was developed off the coast of IJmuiden by Econcern and Eneco Energie, at a total cost of $522.3 million.[6]. These sites are also surveyed centrally by the government allowing developers to avoid costly and multiple surveys.[11]. So, as you can see, your silly view of the frrrench domestic heating habits are wrong, probably based on indoctrination from greenpiss or the like. There are many reasons, of course, why NS would claim its trains run completely on wind power and even more reasons why many would celebrate this apparently breakthrough. For example, in 2015, Burlington, Vermont, became the first city to announce it was running totally on renewable power. Illustration How Dutch and German train and bus firms are taking British taxpayers for a ride, Solar panel researchers investigate powering trains by bypassing grid, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Yeah, that'show energy works. Good for Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Many of the numerous smaller and older wind farms in the Netherlands consist of much smaller turbines compared to those typically deployed today. Their original goal was to transition the trains to 100 percent renewable energy by 2018, but that target was moved up after reaching 75 percent in 2016. Ah, so the train really runs on smoke & mirrors. N.p., 13 November 2000. You bet. At this point, total Dutch wind power generation is about 7.4 billion kWh annually. New wind farm deployment is based on the SER agreement that describes a plan for five years of tendering 700 MW per year. Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. Homer-Dixon, Thomas. Smaller turbines are often used for off grid, bespoke and community power internationally. According to Cleantechnica The point about this is that it is just PR. I see the logic behind the options for supply that can be taken, but how can any householder take a contract for 100% wind power when often this is not available, certainly if a large number opt for green power. Started operation in 2001 and is developing a 6,000kW two blade downwind turbine. Because Eneco, which contracts to supply NS with wind power, gets a Guarantee of Origin from the exporter under which the exporter confirms that the power came from wind and assigns the rights to it to NS. Do the Netherlands trains really run on,,, Antidotes were hard to find this week as one cheering message after another was debunked only Positive News was buoyant | C 3000: antidote to gloom, International Energy Agency Electricity Production Statistics for OECD Countries 2014 2016 | Blogging about energy and transitioning to clean energy, Drone Strike on Saudi Arabia Knocks out 5% of Global Oil Supplies, Grazing, desertification and climate change. ) can ever bring them off balance They dont understand, but they believe ! France has an even bigger problem with energy poverty even though her supposedly cheaper power. But its a funny read. Dutch electric trains are running on 1.2 billion kilowatt-hours of wind energy supplied by sustainable energy supplier, Eneco. You buy green energy elsewhere to offset your fossil fuels. [18], In the first week of December 2016, all 150 turbines of the new 600 MW Gemini offshore windfarm began producing power, and the project is expected to be fully commissioned by mid 2017., Telling fibs has become so fashionable that everyone and his train or server wants to be in on it. This year the country is due to start operating a 600-megawatt offshore wind farm, called Gemini. If the train line is a busy one, with small gaps between scheduled trains, the electricity produced by one helps to power the very next one that comes along. The Trains that run on Wind - BBC News 18,865 views Oct 17, 2017 This year, Dutch commuters ditched fossil fuels to power their country's trains on 100% wind energy - and it's a grand. Hughes did write that some windmills might not recoup their energy-construction costs, but he didn't assert, as the meme implied, that no windmills will ever generate as much energy as was invested in building them. The largest wind farm in the Netherlands is Noordoostpolder with a capacity of 429 MW. The historical land of windmills is leading the charge in wind energy development. Thank you for explaining it to everyone else. A little more than a tenth of all electricity consumed in the Netherlands comes from wind power, some of which is imported. The rationale is: If the Dutch railways sourced 100% of the 1.4 tWh of energy they needed each year from within the Netherlands, this would decrease availability and increase prices of green power for other parties. Plus, it turns out that about half the electricity NS uses to power its rail system comes from outside of the Netherlands. Heating with electricity is their homemade problem that escalates bills for the poor with no alternative. Offset, not wind power procurer, claims that its wind farm deployment is based on the agreement. Newly built wind farms in the North Sea and IJsselmeer % wind one good point here which is that impossible... 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