Student As video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Bs video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Cs in-person interview with Northwestern (2018/2019 cycle), Student Ds alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Es alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle). (I asked three questions, which took the other 10 minutes). We all checked in at security, waited in a lobby area, and were given name tags. Tell me about an experience you had in an extracurricular, internship, or job that makes you proud, particularly one where you have to dig in. Harvard interviews most applicants on a video chat client called Zoom. However, her personal statement had typos, including the wrong school name. Instructions: He handed out a packet with scenarios written out, and he told you to keep it face down until he finished his instructions. That shows that she does not care about Georgetown, and there is no point in wasting a seat on her. Dean Cornblatt asked what wouldve happened if he wrote an apologetic email that admitted fault but that still didnt go into the story. (written) if you had a response prepared that we havent asked, please answer that question. Think of a time you had to overcome bias? A couple notes on this: I think he was listening to how people were collaborating in the groups, so just make sure that you state your opinion, but that youre a good listener and mesh well with others. Why did you pick your undergraduate institution? What is one thing your friends and family would say about you? Student As Zoom Interview (December 2020). What is a mentality you have as a result of the military? What would Jewel contribute to a law school community? But what are the chances of my being selected. What to do if an integral team member is having a bad day? At the end of this form, you'll pay the $75 application fee by inputting your credit or debit card information. What can you bring to the Wash U Law Community? Below are the questions he asked. Otherwise, do what you can to clear bandwidth: dont download anything big beforehand; consider moving closer to your router. Tell us about a time you motivated a disinterested team member. What do you want to do career wise with a law degree/5-year plan? Why did you switch from [one field] to [another field]? Student C (an hour long, group of 6, with dean of admissions): Everything currently on 7sage is spot on, pretending to be admissions committee with the same scenarios, I think for question 6, one shouldnt say intelligent or smart.. Focus not just on talking but on listening. What is motivating your decision to pursue law? How did you end up accomplishing the work? We were in groups of 3-4 for the first two scenarios, and then we all got together in one large group to discuss the third scenario. When did you know you wanted to practice law? Informal/friendly tone, no "trick" questions. What experience prepared you most for law school, and a characteristic that would describe you. Tell us more about your academic background. That said the questions he asked are numbered in order here in this email. He asked for a one word answer to: "If you had to pick the single most important quality to look for in an application, what would it be?" I submitted my application on 4 February 2025 and the application was marked complete on 8 February 2022 and had an interview with them in March 2022. How will you deal with not being in top ten percent of class? ), so he's definitely talking to a whole lot more applicants than will ultimately be admitted (he said he is probably going to meet this way with about 3000 students, and the entering class is 560). Why did you choose to go your undergrad institution? Located in the heart of Washington DC, Georgetown . Tell about a stressing moment in your life and how you overcame it. The glowing references about her writing ultimately showed him that she was a great writer when she actually cared, and that the poor quality of the statement therefore reflected her lack of enthusiasm. Resume-specific questions about my work experience, Something I would like the admissions committee to know, Questions for the interviewer (had time for two questions), The Dean began by having us all-state where we are from, what we are doing, where we are now, and a fun fact about ourselves.. I love these group interviews as it allows me to get to know applicants a little more and makes you more than just a file. Good idea? What was a challenge you faced when working on a team. Explain a time when you were rejected from a job offering. Got the email today from Georgetown saying that I'm on the preferred waitlist. At the end, they asked me why Columbia but that was the only general question.. You should be thoughtful, confident, warm, and encouraging of other people as well. Whats a personality trait/characteristic that will serve you well in law school? Rather, he wanted to see honest reflection, and how you expressed yourself. The scenarios were the same: a plagiarism and 1-year suspension, withdrawal from Oxford before a hearing, and a sloppy PS. Four scenarios: plagiarism, Oxford withdrawal before honor hearing, personal statement with mistakes/mention of wrong school. Do you want to share anything with the admissions committee about your GPA since you redacted it? What would you have done differently if you were that person? Dean said there was fog everywhere with this case, so he ultimately rescinded the guys application. We took about 2-3 minutes to silently read the addendum, then presented our opinions of whether it was no issue, minor, major, or game over. We had to of course justify our opinion. Admissions person spoke a lot. When were you wrongly blamed for a mistake and how did you handle it, When did you do something complex with little guidance, When did you speak to someone with a radically difference point of view, One more thing you want admissions to know about you. If you could have a conversation with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you talk to them about? If they wanted to see what you could do with time to revise, they would send you written questions. What was the most disappointing setback in your life? What is something that youd like the admissions team to know that may not be easily gleaned from your application? The interview lasted about 10-12 minutes. Hypothetical: if at your time at [legal internship], you were to show up one day and find that your coworkers were your clones, what strengthens and challenges would you run into? Your general experience at your UG school/why you chose it, A time your opinion/viewpoint did a 180 on a topic, What you're looking for in a law school experience (implied why Washu, but also a chance for my interviewer to sell the school's relevant resources), Your thoughts and approaches to leadership and teamwork. I definitely would have struggled with that question by it catching me off guard and not having some sort of formulation of the answer beforehand. How do you define failure and how do you deal with it? What are you doing this summer and what skills are you hoping to gain? After we gave our answers, the dean explained that A) this showed a lack of integrity because he was fleeing the issue rather than confronting it, and was likely guilty; and B) he should have been extremely transparent about what had happened and volunteered ALL the information he had right from the get-go without making the admissions committee chase him down only to be stonewalled (it disrespected Georgetown, he said). Hope you had fun. What would you do to be a part of the Charlottesville community? The last application issue discussed an otherwise glowing application that unfortunately had a series of spelling and grammatical issues in the personal statement as well as a reference to a different law school. Describe a time where you had to tell someone difficult news. Why philosophy as major? Each response can be no more than one minute long. If you could go back to any time in your life and tell yourself something, what would it be? Describe a time where you were in an adversarial position. How did you get to the point of applying to law school, especially given your experience of practicing law in your home country? Anon asks the guys . I'd be interested in at HLS. Note that these questions are out of date because Cornell asks interviewees not to share the interview questions. Have you ever been/ Lets say you are in an argument or conflict with someone representing a view completely opposite yours. Even though it's a big law school, we work very hard to make it a big law school with a small law school feel. He did, however, note that it would be different if the student had immediately apologized and sent a follow-up email with a correction. A lot of people in the group interview thought this wasnt unforgivable, especially given that the previous two were pretty big ethical violations, but as it turns out it was a rejection as well. They mostly asked questions, recorded answers, and moved on to the next question. What do you like to do in your free time? I said Yes to this one. Dean Cornblatt is very personable. Have you been to St. Louis? Absolutely Crushed : ( I got the email tonight at 5 PM and as soon as I saw "Admissions Decision Received" in my inbox instead of "Congratulations on Your Admission", I just knew. Should the creators of Pokemon Go be liable? Tell me about your current role and what you do and do not like about it. Over all it was a great experience. According to US News & World Reports, Georgetown Law was ranked the 14 th best law school. What destination birthday party would you pick if you could pick anywhere? They're busy! If you could teach your fellow students at Chicago a class in anything, academic or not, what would you teach them? Whats one thing the admissions committee should know about you? Third Scenario: A student had stellar GPA and LSAT stats as well as letters of recommendation praising her writing skills. Hope this is useful and can help other applicants to Gtown not stress out about the process!! Learn about our admissions consulting and editing services. Did you do any research on the school? What if its addressed to the wrong school? Upon several attempts by the Dean to get more information in calls with him, the admitted student beats around the bush and says he would "rather not get into it." Describe a relationship that went from adversarial to amicable. A time when you worked on a team and your team mate was disengaged. Then he split us up into groups. So, they just asked general questions (see below) and gave career advice. You've had this amazing career - why do you want to go to law school now? Georgetown Law is a large law school. Tell me about a time youve received feedback you didnt agree with. What can you bring to Columbia Law School? Where do you see yourself 5 years from now in your career? Describe a time when you struggled academically and how you responded to that challenge. Why did you choose [undergraduate university]? The interview was conversational and lasted about 30 minutes. 10 years from now? (question was motivated from our discussion of my background). Overall great experience. What is something I have changed my opinion on? Name something that you want the Northwestern admissions committee to know about you? You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. Questions for me? Upon being asked about it, he volunteers that he has been accused of plagiarism in his dissertation and that he decided to drop out rather than facing the academic tribunal. He also cared about order and structure he noticed people who did not follow his instructions precisely or spoke out of turn. What do you plan to draw on from your previous background? Why is that? It shows a huge disinterest in Georgetown, so hes not about to waste an acceptance on someone whos not serious. Then we would progress onto scenario 2, and so on. Tell me about a time where you analyzed a large set of data, how did you go about it and what was the outcome? I think more than anything this was about seeing whether he liked the applicants as people. Characteristic you hope to develop over the next 5 years? Law school goes by quickly. What is motivating your decision to pursue a law degree? The most applications from students studying law at Georgetown are those studying law at the school. Name a book that changed your view on a social issue. We write about InitialView interviews here. An alumni interview offers the Office of Admissions an opportunity to learn more about candidates beyond the written application. Note: During the first two scenarios, he randomly called on people, and he asked them specific questions. She said that she took a year off to reflect and tutor children. What would teammates and coworkers say about you? What is one thing you want the Admissions Council to know? What do you think you will bring to our law school? Student A was also prompted to ask the interviewer questions about the school. A time you did something for someone else over yourself. Make sure you show up early for in-person interviews. You should always treat it like the latter. Four of the questions are picked randomly from a large bank; they often focus on your experience of (1) working on a team, (2) speaking to people who disagree with you, or (3) failing. Other than the standard Why Northwestern and Why Law questions, there was much less interviewing and much more conversing. Two of the questions are always the same: Why Northwestern? and Is there anything else youd like the admissions committee to know about you? (or something very similar). Thanks so much for coming and I look forward to reading your application even more now that I have met you. (The Dean said that this was game over because the student would not give him a lot of information, and he felt that he lacked integrity.). Oh well. Suck-up questions are designed to show off your knowledge of a program or convey your eagerness: I see that your Immigration Rights Clinic helps clients mount detention challenges, and Im wondering how successful those challenges have been in the current political environment. You can also lob softballs at your interviewer: What does Harvard do to promote a sense of community in its large student body? Make sure that the answer to your suck-up question isnt easily available online. First, the law school wants. The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! What do you do to find balance or relieve stress? Whats a time you applied for a job and didnt get it? He also pointed out that when you care, you will reread your application fifty times before your friend tells you, Oh my god, just press the damn button already. So the fact that this had so many mistakes was actually pretty telling. We answered between 6-8. If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or dead, who would it be with? Describe your work history and how you went from [career in science] to [career in marketing] and now to law. Its normal to be a little nervous. It's like a small college with lots of different buildings. I think my answer hit the nail on the head because I talked about specific clinics that WashU offers that I would be interested in and the interviewer responded very positively to it. Georgetown University Law Center Preferred Waitlist A few days ago, I got an email from Georgetown saying that the "Committee on Admissions has reviewed your application and has placed your name in a special group within our Preferred Waiting List". How does Chicago faculty try to differentiate their law school from other law schools? She said she took a year off to reflect and tutor kids. Majority of my interview was about high vs low tuition and scholarships being harmful to the larger student body. Do you want to study and work in Chicago? We discussed my current job and my recent move. Talk about atmosphere where you were very productive-what was the environment like? Can you explain the circumstances? Defend your answer. Most people in my group, including myself, erred on the side of caution and stuck with numbers like 5-6 for all scenarios. He observed our large group conversation. Any hobby that you picked up during the pandemic? [This is a clever way of saying What are your strengths and weaknesses?]. The interview lasted 25 minutes and 40 seconds. (went to UMich for undergrad). Others, like Harvard, Chicago, and Columbia, offer interviews by invitation only. He wrapped up the interview by asking us to give one word that describes an ideal candidate. Questions 1) are there multiple waitlists or is preferred waitlist just a diplomatic way to call a waitlist? Describe a situation in which other would say you exhibited a level of maturity beyond your years. Obstacle you've faced and you overcame it. What Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? I think this question was more geared to seeing how I handle multiple responsibilities at once. What did you do in your graduate program? why law?but the written questions may be hypotheticals about current affairs. Talk about a time you were very productive - what was the environment like? Her final question was about whether I had any special circumstances that I wanted the committee to know; I talked about the in-state rate the GI bill covers and the lack of a housing allowance. Student D What if the application has some typos? What do you want the school to know about you? Are you someone who solves easy solutions using complicated problems or solves easy problems using complicated solutions? Why Northwestern? What did you do to resolve it? An experience that prepared me for law school, One word my friends, family, and work colleagues would use to describe me. Left time for two questions and spent about five minutes answering them. Finally, the Dean asked us to describe in one word an adjective for successful applicants. This handy spreadsheet tells you which schools in the T20 interview. When did you start seriously consider going to law school? Describe specific example of problem solving strategy used, If we asked people you hypothetically mentored what your best qualities are what would they say, What other law schools did you apply to? In reality, law school waitlists are dynamic. Also, having a solid answer on why you want to go to law school is definitely a must. The Dean ultimately said that this had a big impact because he did not like that the student did not own up to the seriousness of the situationshe was suspended for a year. They don't want to field unnecessary and uninvited check-in phone calls. Law schools process their admissions at different speeds, and more often than not, waitlist movement will only occur once a higher-ranking school starts selecting students off of their waitlist, creating opportunities throughout each tier of schools as the movement works its way down. If you got accepted to all the schools you applied to, where would you pick? Have you worked with someone drastically different from you? Which headline would you like to see in the news? I was not going to prepare for this question nor did I even come across my mine before a buddy of mine who used to work for the Center for Career Development at our University told me to prepare for it and I am so happy I did. A time you stopped short of reaching a goal? To prepare, you might think about what qualities would be important to you if you were admitting students (passion? Left time for questions; admitted me at the end of the interview. Yea I was a little surprised at my waitlist to, given the consensus on this website that I would get in (3.6 171). What charitable organization would you donate to and why? Tell me about a book youre currently reading or recently read. What would interest you about corporate law? If your professor asks for help on a subject you dont know, what would you do? program in the U.S. What is an obstacle you faced and how you overcame it? Toward the end, she explained a bit about the process. What would you add to the Northwestern community? Talk about why you decided to go into each one. I dont know if that means the application pool increased or if he wanted to meet more people. The Dean said that he would let Student A in because a Why Georgetown essay was not required, so Student A should not be penalized for not writing one.). She then told me about some other opportunities at Duke that I might find interesting, and how Duke stands out from other schools. I see that you took the LSAT many times. The Dean said that while it would have been harder to make a decision, he would still rescind because the kid's message did not provide a detailed account of what had happened, and still required the ad com to ask follow-up questions -- and this did not change the material facts of what had happened, which were pretty bad. Describe when you were most productivewhat was that environment like? How long did you live in New York and what do you think is the difference between the city that you live in and the city of New York? If there is one thing you could have done differently, what would that be? How did you like your undergraduate experience? Student A Where in ultimately want to end up after graduating was something she also asked. If I were to ask your best friend what your three biggest weaknesses are, what would they say? What would my ideal technology law job be? See alsoWhat Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? Then, we were asked to go around and say our name, hometown, and a fun fact about ourselves. Why Law? One thing you would like admissions to know about you, What is motivating you to pursue law? I was also asked about what I specifically did under some of my positions in clubs. what would you do in law school, both inside and outside of the classroom? It was 45-minute long and exactly how previous applicants described. What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? Think of a time when you had to do something you didnt want to do and what was in your head. He asked us to rate this issue in her app from "no problem" > "minor" > "major" > "automatically disqualifying" and explain why. Also any specific tips or anything lol, all info is . Describe a situation where you were in an adversarial position and how you dealt with it/describe your general philosophy for dealing with adversarial situations. Havent asked, please answer that question not like about it make sure the... Outside of the classroom an adjective for successful applicants going to law school something. You decided to go your undergrad institution questions 1 ) are there multiple waitlists or is preferred waitlist from to... Donate to and why a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or,! My background ) would like admissions to know his instructions precisely or spoke out of turn because Cornell asks not! 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