Thank God I live in the democratic country and have the right to think. But looking back to these days makes me realize that I have gone through the most important period of my life which was pretty . My philosophy of the life is built from these components, and I am happy that I have the direction in my life. I am a very active student with an active lifestyle. Instead we have to work hard and create our own name and fame. 3. Other findings hint at more positive influences on teenagers personality changes. Thank you! My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and to play along with the voice of my conscience. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking. Hows your life in sti 1000 words i need this to day, how will the revision of the k-12 curriculum affect the academic performance of students. Socially I strongly believe in the saying, do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you. To do this I try to learn from my mistakes, treat others the way I want to be treated. The next thing about my philosophy of life is a proper attitude what. Please enter the email address that you use to login to, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Everybody has a different view on the world. To install StudyMoose App tap Therefore, this essay will explain Russells work and the point of his argument. Rubin's Pathology (Raphael Rubin; David S. Strayer; Emanuel Rubin; Jay M. McDonald (M.D.)) The volunteers also recorded any experiences of stress or adversity through their teenage years. example.. Those, who are always negative, are usually sick with the great frequency. We try to make the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. As lucrative as it looks from afar, being a college student is not an easy task. Nonetheless, we have to face the reality and try to make, Keats' Philosophy of Life And Death Get your custom essay on, Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". I am also going to relive a short story about my student life with all of you. What is the meaning of life? Not only does it support a fixed mindset, but it also stops and . Although differences would appear in almost every aspect of my life, I will compare the two time periods just in terms of chores, education, and recreation. Now I receive the problems as the lessons from God and try to teach something I was supposed to take from these lessons. So we seem to ignore the great and concentrate on the bad. But in the intervening teenage years this trend is put on hold. 8. IISweetWhimsyll. Stop Complaining. Philosophy continues further and attempts to give us logical explanations. The most enjoyable times happen the least in schools and colleges. Being a good person means being a considerate person who thinks about the consequences of their decisions and the effects of their actions on others. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Therefore, smile all the time, pretty soon the whole planet will wear a happy grin. Philosophical counselor's commonsense approach to overcoming self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and actions by harnessing innate powers of reason and critical thinking. We need you to be detailed. My generation has evolved more than any generation has in years. We have the specific mission that should complete during our lifetime. And after this exam I will stay at the highest level then I was before. For instance, our son is more aware of time, endlessly curious about the future. You are so right when saying being optimistic is vital--because it is! custom paper, The beginning of my lie Essay (843 words), Because I am responsible, my high moral caliber will hopefully continue to expand, and as it expands I will be known for being responsible and. What I should focus on while I'm alive. Everyone has their own responsibility to take care if you want to become an athlete, students, and a good child you must grow up. I just would like to know people opinion on it before i start really putting allot of effort in it. . I carry the positive everywhere I am going, and it lighted all the darkness in the life. I believe comedians are the true doctors of this world. For example, the fake British accent of our English teacher made us laugh every day. In summary, I personally think that life is simply what you make of it and each persons accomplishments has its own merit. These questions dive right into the heart of the philosophical, psychological, and the biological aspects of life and what the true meaning of life is. Idealists are the types of people that are willing to do anything to help someone in need. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. Due to my mother's death, an increasing amount of work was to be done to protect our future. They always wonder what other people would think about them and do not follow the calls of their own soul. 6,767 days of life. School is also not very dull and boring because we also have a variety of games, library periods, and recess time, which give us a break to take a breather and relax. Society as a whole is just a larger community. * Lots of things I fully understand but others are still ahead to be explained, and that makes my life interesting and full of learning. This doesn't mean that u can't suggest to someone a good way to do things, but it should have a proper limit. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! In some instance we are always forced to pay a price to achieve something. What is the purpose of life? When we did the Our Passions project I felt like my group contributed greatly with everything we had to do. In a 2017 study involving US volunteers, researchers took measures of personality at ages 8-12 and then again three, seven and 10 years later. Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research essay well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. While it is important what I think of myself, it is admittedly important what others think of me reasonably. Ive created my own theory of the world. Our morals, techniques, habits, thoughts, and ways of life have changed so for the worse. Explanation: My philosophy of life is "life is not about finding yourself It is about creating yourself " . Here is my brief description about philosophy of life : All children who are in the period of being students are studying and going to school, not just going to school and sitting on the bench. Just do whatever it takes to improve this planet and save it from fools who think their ego is too important than other living beings. People could not live without thinking, and they ask for the explanations by the instinct. She looked at me very angrily and I just ran away at that time. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. When did your personality first emerge? We try to make the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. For a son or daughter you have to help your parents' cook, clean, and do chore around the house and get ready to go to school again. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others. All through life, we experience various occasions when decision-making become necessary. This responsibility is subject to change for every person, just based off the fact that everybody has a different community and their respective issues. So, it benefits the people from any community they belong (Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, 2016)., Lastly, being caring and warm hearted makes me feel comfortable where Im at in my life no matter the situation, because I know in my heart I did everything I could to make the best of my situations, and by doing so I hope I can persuade one to create the same habit. The true happiness is hidden inside me, and it could not be shaken by the outer world. Several studies reveal that advantageous traits temporarily decrease during teenage years (Credit: David Montosa). The constant load of studies, never-ending writing assignments, and struggle to compete to get good grades is no fun to me at all. Learn more about the material about the philosophy of life :, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . This is hard to do when rose in a world where music is religion, and religion is a fan club. Student life is no joke, as being a good student and getting better education is not easy at all. I usually have no time to play, rest, or relax because I am always busy with studies, tuition, and everything else. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes: Clearly, our students today are narcissistic, but they also demonstrate an eagerness to engage in philosophy as a "spiritual exercise." Over the past eight years I have tried to develop an introductory course which capitalizes on the current student profile and which re-presents philosophy to the students in its original vocation: as guide from the world of confusion and deception to the world of truth. We all have different stories from our student life and each one is more interesting, hilarious, and exciting than the other. The chemicals and such that are involved will always react the same way it will produce heat. My life as a teenager in Colonial America would have been different from my life as a teenager in America today. Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? At you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term essay samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. Stuck in a mental hell, the worst part is we dont even realize the hell we are in. According to research papers, excessive homework is directly associated with high stress and physical health problems in children and teens. Whenever I get the opportunity I bring God into the subject to try to show every one what a loving and caring father he his no matter how many mistakes you've made. Many philosophers believe that they know what a good life is, what it consists of and how the good life can be reached. We planned to pour this icy cold water on any fellow student who entered first in the classroom. I think its safe to say that no one wants to welcome things that cause us pain but the truth is that pain is inevitable, it is a part of life, and without pain we cannot learn and grow. I still have always something I want to find the answer to. As much as I want to explore the world, I cant find enough time to go out and relax a bit. cannot forget about it, because it helps in bearing up with difficulties. We all were very happy and excited to move on to the 12th standard me and all my fellow students passed the final exams. I believe, that man should develop himself, every time try to experience something new and always use an opportunity to increase his knowledge in order to be conscious and intelligent. Compliment others: Compliment increases a self importance and desire to work better. Exactly what my passions and desires are. I will be describing in this essay my . Do no harm. In any position and time, this life presents a variety of very beautiful processes, whether you expect them or not. To that list, she could easily have added personality changes. His next book, Personology, will be published in 2019. One more thing that I dont like about student life is that there is no focus on being practical. In this essay, I will describe how it feels like to be a student in this modern world from my perspective. Do you like these sample essays about My Life As A Student? I have obtained three theories on three different subjects which tie into each other they are Social, Religion, and Expectations. When we say philosophy, it varies from person to person. Learn from your experiences, that is really important. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best Julian Baggini, the author of What is it All About? 4. What makes us so different. How have these factors helped you to grow? We learn from experience. It is like a cure for cancer or an umbrella in the rain. 1077 Words5 Pages. Personal integrity should guide every action. Thinking about that, I found out that my attitude to the problems is rather changing. A number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Retrieved from I decided to be always positive, and that was one of the best decisions I have ever taken in my life. I am sure that I was not the only child with such specific curiosity. If we are positive and avoid the negative attitude from our mind, we feel ourselves more confidence than while thinking negatively. I dont know where I will be after ten years but I dont think that I can let go of all my college friends who have been together with me for all these years. Good people take care of themselves and their friends and try to make personal relationships a priority. Its challenging, draining, tiring, overwhelming, and difficult all at the same time. 6. Some one might consider loyalty, honesty and tolerance to be very important. I like this opinion of yours; I fully agree with your opinon and your philosophy on on life.. Summing up, I am convinced that the best way to achieve happiness is to be loyal to your family and friends man who has optimistic view on future, as my philosophy of life says. For instance, one British study of over 4,000 teenagers showed that those who scored lower in conscientiousness were twice as likely to be unemployed later in life, compared to those who scored higher in conscientiousness. Answer (1 of 1131): I often watch on television the consumer issues programmes on the subject of holidays (e.g. Find more answers We shouldn't judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. I remember our farewell party while we were in college. Meanwhile, adversity that was directly related to the participants own actions or decisions such as misbehaviour leading to school expulsion had even more repercussions for personality. I felt like a student who is wondering what classes to choose for his study. We believe our lives are fine because compared to bad we seem good. The flow state is where the magic happens. This essay was written by a fellow student. The argument for their philosophy of life is developed over the entire semester. Some revealing differences emerged: for instance, while the teenagers rated themselves as declining in agreeability, their parents saw this decline as much sharper. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. God is like a neutron in an atom. One summer in my birth home in England, my birth mother had passed out on the floor in the morning after my father left for work. Advertisement New questions in Biology True or false for both questions if false whats the correct answer Advertisement If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. Generally, they will work to meet important deadlines and be helpful when they can. You don't have to understand everything. I will be describing in this essay my philosophy and why I hold these values of high regards in my life. Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? The only positive I can think of right now is my loving and caring friends who help me no matter what. It is how one view life through gained knowledge or experiences. I have the constant joy inside my soul that is depended only on my inner condition, my peaceful thoughts, relationship with God and other people. It really inspired me to go for what I've always wanted to do, i think its fantastic and you should continue writing your book. What is the purpose of life? 1. Over the last couple of decades, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore and others have shown how adolescent development is marked by important brain changes, including a pruning of excess grey matter, which is associated with learning. Some people may be confused in what responsibility even means. I am talking about field trips, cultural programs, and local sports competitions. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Having friends is also important; however, the point is to choose wisely and surround yourself with well-wishing and loyal people which wont stab you in the back when you will need help. Optimism is very important in woman's life and we. El presente simple en ingls se utiliza para describir acciones que estn ocurriendo en el presente y son rutinarias.En el presente simple el verbo de la oracin est en su forma simple. As a student, I always learn more for seeing, touching, and experiencing things but we are only burdened by book knowledge. call it a philosophy of life, if you will. According to my rules, they are always on the first place, and can count on me, just the same like I can count on them. It's a big oceanyou will end up writing a book of at least 100 pages. Leaving my generation stuck in the middle. What is life anyway? The researchers point out that parents and teens might also be using different reference points parents measuring their teenagers traits against a typical adult, while the teenagers are comparing their own traits against those displayed by their peers. ","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"I am a very active student with an active lifestyle. This point in my life I have taken a few values that I hold in high regards. Many scientists who study modern, Introduction You have that power to make the world a different place too, how are you going to change it? In fact, were only just beginning to understand the intricate mix of genetic and environmental factors that contribute to individual patterns of personality change. By continuing well assume youre on board with our, Order My. I, To me responsibility is an obligation you should fulfill even if it concerns you remotely. The writing assignment is the centerpiece for the course and all reading and discussion are designed to create an intellectual atmosphere within which the students can consider, develop and defend their own philosophy of life. I know that every time I am crying because of the lack of strength, I am passing the exam. and then Add to Home Screen. Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications (Darell Joe O. Asuncion, Mark Alyson B. Ngina, Raymund Francis A. Escala) Income Taxation (Rex Banggawan) The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon) The list of my questions never ended, and I am not sure it is closed now. Philosophy, according to Russell, frees our minds from the imprisonment of common sense. for instance, taking care of family and friend and others with dignity is a way to show sign of our respect for the god, who created the earth and the human (Catholic Charities, 2016). 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From infancy to later childhood, our personality becomes more stable, but that changes during our teenage years (Credit: David Montosa). Students submit the argument in two stages, as described below. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report, My Philosophy of Life Essay (1009 words). I agree that these traits are vital, but I believe that the ability to be optimistic is the most essential trait. All citizens have a different opinion on how people should act and what traits make a good person. Ive molded my own opinions. While enjoying our day at the farewell party we were all getting drained by the scorching heat from the sun. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. They rated their own personalities twice, at age 11 and age 14, and their parents also rated their personalities at these times. These stories remind us of the beautiful memories we had in school and college life and everyone just wishes to go back in time to relive them. It takes hypothesis and tests them over and over again until they come to a consistent answer or explanation. This point in my life I have taken a few values that I hold in high regards. Despite this way of thinking, just think for a second. We went out of the campus and bought a bucket and some ice. In my opinion life is a combination of 3 Pages The Meaning of Life Essay What is the meaning of life. During class hours, the school remains quiet as we listen to teachers with attention before the first recess that goes for an hour. Complimenting also helps a lot, so be liberal with your praises. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others. All these activities get us away from dull school life that consists only of book knowledge. And is there really a God? This point in my life I have taken a few values that I hold in high regards. Always do what makes you feel great. Dont Judging ppl is a strong foundation for all miseries. Forgetting about doing homework, getting bad grades, and failing to complete all other writing assignments put a lot of pressure on me as a student. These values include family, friendship, moral, love, education, optimist, happiness, and purpose. During recess, we engage in different activities to energize our spirit. I always stated many questions to the adults as I wanted to have the explanation for anything that bothered me. I was raised by my parents to be a good man who tries to be always kind and helpful for the other people and live in harmony with commandments of my religion. We need more idealist in the world, I feel it would make the world a much better place if more people showed the kindness, Having confidence help us to live the life without conflict. These are what we refer to as lessons of life. If it's really important, try to explore and know about it. As a psychologist focused on personality (and as their father), watching their characters emerge and develop fascinates me. This seems to back up some of the stereotypes we have of messy teen bedrooms and mood swings. So just explain things, they ll understand if they love u truly. Psychologists call this the maturity principle and if youre a self-conscious and anxious 20-something, its comforting to know that, assuming your personality follows a typical course, then the older you get, the mellower you will become. Our teenage years can feel stressful and the type of stress we have can impact upon specific personality changes (Credit: David Montosa). I think the average homework that is given to us should be minimized and students must be given some time to relax. I believe, that man should develop himself, every time try to experience something new and always use an opportunity to increase his knowledge in order to be conscious and intelligent. (These links will automatically appear in your email.). As a teenager who wants to live life to the fullest, I am just overburdened with never-ending assignments, responsibilities, and expectations. They like to make sure that someone lives up to their full potential in life. In the formal sense, philosophy is an academic study of the fields aesthetics ,ethics , epistemology, logic, metaphysics, as well as social and political philosophy. Don't compel anyone! In our right minds, we thought it was going to be moderate, but soon later finding out she died from damage in her brain, causing her left side of the body not to work and to barely eat and support her other side. The researchers speculated that adversity as a result of a teens own actions might be viewed as more stressful, and therefore harm their personality development. The teenage years can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood of an individual between the age of 13 and 19. cite it correctly. How to influence as a leader: Loneliness is the worst thing, that too at old age. Although science does continue to intrigue me, I do choose to accept that science does give us some answers. Im stuck in a generation I was not meant for. It gives me the opportunity to improve how I can analyze and evaluate a situation or an idea, as well as, enhance my reasoning and critical skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, proper judgement and decision making. This type of group-level data masks the amount of individual variation from one teenager to another. Also, if you have a comment about a particular piece of work on this website, please go to the page where that work is displayed and post a comment on it. Here are my tips to improve your life as a teenager and how to be a better person as a teenager: 1. The learning process was not trivial. A smile has the power to make someones day, if you smile at someone they will probably smile back. Thankfully this regression in personality is short-lived, with the Dutch data showing that the teenagers' previous positive traits rebound in later adolescence. My philosophy of life has been constructing since I was a child and it continues improving. You are here to make good things happen. When personality goes from bad to good. From the moment I was brought, According to Marriam-Webster, the definition of worldview is a way someone thinks about the world. As everybody has a unique view on the world, their views of the universe can range from joyfulness or sadness depending on how he/she perceives the events in life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. Laughter can shield you from the harmful rays of grief, if exposed to these rays you are at risk of a frown and/or tears. There are no failures just results to learn from. This is where philosophy enters. It 's the where you have to deal and cope with the most changes in your life. The fullest, I am also going to relive a short story about my student life and we cant. ( these links will automatically appear in your email. ) energize our spirit the final exams lessons of,. Stories from our student life is, what it consists of and how the life... Children and teens and bought a bucket and some ice that time top-notch essay and term essay samples on fellow! Good people take care of themselves and their parents also rated their personalities at these times really... 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