Each house is like a movie set of your life where different types of action are taking place. First and foremost, there is no right answer to this question. In some ways, this might even be a relief! Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. The moon transits (orbits) through all 12 houses in the span of a month. 10th House Aquarius: Key Takeaways 1. Their bosses are appreciating them for knowing the right people and for bringing many benefits for the team in which theyre working. The MC is located at the top of a birth chart and is usually on the cusp of the 10th house. The further from the equator you were born, the more unequal your houses will be in size. The native gains wealth from overseas sources. I don't know my Moon Sign. Youre in it to win it! You must know your time of birth to accurately determine the houses in your chart. Oh! People born with Aquarius in the Tenth House prefer to work in teams, so they can be found in big corporations or doing things in organizations. Beingborn with driven Mars in the 10th house can be a double blessing of sorts. Finally, this awesome volume will give you lots of practical tools to help you out in this process for the ultimate transformation (after all, thats what we are all here to do!). However, in terms of the topic we have at hand here (choosing a career according to the potential your natal chart holds), the most important and intriguing part of this book is the detailed analysis of the cusps of the twelve houses, as well as the aspects to the Ascendant and the Medium Coeli point. Astrology enthusiast from an early age, there is a lot more to Joy Carter than meets the eye. And you can achieve this by exercising your free will and your manifesting abilities with the help of the celestial bodies in our solar system. To me, this is a wonderful educational work that brings light to the topic of finding your vocation according to the art and science of astrology. The 10th house in Aquarius is a character of a man. I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. They usually dont pay attention to what others are saying because no one is more sober than them. However, what is interesting here to note is the peculiar style and the topics these authors cover in their books. Since Capricorn is the sign ruling this House, Tenth House these people can logically present their ideas and thoughts and arent at all slaves to fantasies. So, volume three of the series mainly deals with the rulers of all of the twelve astrological houses and their placements in other houses in your birth chart. These activations are equally important. The penultimate zodiac sign often relies on their intuition when making assessments or decisions, and interests in the occult knowledge is extremely common. Intuitive and never sad, their frustrations can never get them. Boundaries are a must if were going to achieve our goals without getting distracted. Youre in it to win it here! We can often see that writers who have their Midheaven in Aquarius can express this placement with more revolutionary types of works, like in the example of Mary Shelley a woman writing one of the earliest sci-fi novels Frankenstein; The Modern Prometheus. It also speaks to any promotions we receive, any fame we may have or will . Your Tenth House details the version of yourself you aim to be and also the role you play in society. Box 414, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, Choosing an Aquarius career according to the typical characteristics. For a person with the Moon in the tenth house, their career is a source of emotional safety. He or she thinks in the long-term and always plans. However, lets not forget the basics of any birth chart since it is the bedrock of our horoscope and it has a direct relation to any area of our lives, including our vocation. Thanks for posting in r/beginnerastrology! Also, excellent career options for this astrological placement will be those who give the person a lot of freedom and flexibility since natives might get bored too quickly from repetitive routines. A problem here, of course, for Aquarius on the cusp of the tenth house, is being submissive to authority or supervision. The 10th house is the House of honor, status, prestige, reputation, community-power, & professional career, in our society, this includes financial-success, but only as 10th house relates to community-power & prestige. You're a GreatPhilanthropistand Humanitarian People with the tenth house in the sign of Aquariusare often involved in charity or other types of philanthropic activities. Also, you will uncover the secrets of your Moon sign, as well as your Ascendant. Whatever zodiac sign was positioned at this point when you were born determines your midheaven, which is an important point on the chart for discovering your true north.. 2 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology. This next awesome book on the matter is an excellent guide along with the aforementioned Astrology of Success. If it resonates with you, you can definitely check it out and use it in your quest for analyzing your birth chart and the great potential for success it holds! That area of your life will feel the influence! The integrity, values, status, and honor of the nation along with its . The 10th house is representation of action and profession and is known as karmas Thana or kirtisthana. This could point out that your family environment had a true royalty-like nature, especially from the mothers side. Think status, the authority it conveys, and consequently, the role we take in our community. April 12, 2017. Negative aspects in the chart must be extremely severe to counteract its effect. Besides, their colleagues love them because theyre good at giving others space, not to mention theyre tolerant, even if careful to not be manipulated. For the most part, the entire tenth house is generally about one's career and how they appear to one's colleagues. What that means is that you will learn pretty much everything there is to know about your Medium Coeli point the cusp of the Midheaven point and the meaning of the zodiac sign in which it is placed, as well as the house in which the ruler of your 10th house is located. The Tenth house, just like any other, features planets and there are different aspects and things . Volume 2 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology goes way deeper into the fascinating world of this ancient knowledge. 10th House: Career is related to reputation, status, respect, fame, and/or productivity. Heres what you will find inside this book! For more present ideas, hop into these two articles dedicated to this topic: Great Gifts for Aquarius Woman and Great Gifts for Aquarius Man. They love working in teams and sharing their good ideas. You often see life as an uphill battle, with the ultimate reward arriving only through suffering and sacrifice. The zodiac sign that the planet is in directs the role that it plays in your life. Mars in calculating, status-hungry Capricorn could turn her into Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci. If you are not familiar with the term, the Saturn return means that this transiting planet comes back to its original position as it was at the time of your birth. Another unique fact about Medium Coeli is that it's the cusp of the 10th house in a natal chart, making it the most public area. Or in the case of Oprah, Neptune is in Libra, the sign of partnerships. And lastly, in this book you are going to learn some practical algorithms and steps for easier chart interpretation. Unsubscribe at any time. This can be a true goldmine for getting inspiration and to check whether your gut response says Yay! or Nay!. Cultivate humility while learning to set aside perfectionism and your tendency to worry about every move. The 10th house rules the things that we are known for in the world: our career choices, social status, achievement and prestige. This book is also focused on the very basics of analyzing your natal chart, just like the book series by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers. And speaking of material gains, here is why I think this volume is of great use in that area! They dont mind being submissive either, so they can function under the close surveillance of their bosses. Join. The 10th house is ruled by Saturn, and this house in the zodiac wheel at your birth time, signifies the various aspects that will control your career choices and what will be best suited for you, as per your moon sign. In the Movie of You, the houses are like the different sets or stages where the planets (actors) play out their roles (given by the zodiac signs). Relationships are an investment, as far as youre concerned. Besides, they want to be free and to make changes in their place of work. Music is not necessarily linked to the airy sign of Aquarius. People born with Aquarius in the Tenth House are original and adopt the most innovative ideas when it comes to their career. That is why I have included this volume in my book suggestion list to help you out in these challenging times (well, after all, Saturn is the planet of karma, limitations, and responsibilities) and to help you make the most of it. Your true healing takes place once you stop looking to others for validation. This sign is the most adaptable one in the Zodiac, so its easy for those having it present a lot in their birth chart can succeed in many professions. Known as the house of career, this house signifies the opportunities the individual has in his professional life, and its Lord further adds more light to this signification, so that the interpretation is worthy of success. Its typical characteristics (whether positive or negative) may give the necessary perspective and some wonderful ideas of what your best profession might be. When in service for others, they can end up being misunderstood or they can become unfriendly, which can lead to conflicts out of frustration. It is believed in Vedic Astrology, that the zodiac plane rules our thought processes and the energy of the planets are manifested in our birth horoscope. However, for the purpose of analyzing your potential for career growth in your natal 10th house, I am going to recommend to you only the first three installments. Read more about the Sun in the 10th house. Easy does it! Speaking of which, whats your relationship to authority and authority figures? Like the NSEW points on a compass, these houses start each of the four quadrants of the zodiac wheel, which set us in clear, new directions. As I mentioned previously in this article, the 10th house in Aquarius can be a wonderful placement for a politician. In Vedic astrology the 10 house or the karma bhava determines your professional path by the planetary movements in this house. Natives born with Aquarius in 10th House should decide on a career thats asking them to be humanitarian. These houses signify various things like the personality, family, career, love, marriage, relations, parents, material life, luxuries, finance, property, etc., to name a few. The 10th lord Mars in 12th house for Cancer and Aquarius Ascendant means that your work environment will be very competitive, tense, and behind the scene. Hence, a career in teaching, educating, upliftment of others or the humanities can be exciting for you. Youre as creative as you are productive, drawing inspiration from a deep well, then finessing it to the heights of success. But that doesnt mean you should go it alone. I hope it was helpful. Having an open mind, natives born with Aquarius in the 10th House can also understand how important responsibilities are. Choosing an Aquarius career according to the typical characteristics When a planet is in that house, its like an actor on that set. And lastly, we cant go without the true and natural lord of the tenth house Saturn. The typical water bearer of the zodiac is probably the most odd unorthodox, and often pretty weird person you may come across. And I bet you always have a very unique way of presenting the topics you work on! Or an important challenge I need to be constantly aware of! The person born with Aquarius in 10th House is different when it comes to matters of career, as well as innovative. What that means is that our career has to be congruent with our personality! The 10th House appears at the very top and most public part of the zodiac wheel. The 10th house is ruled by Saturn, and this house in the zodiac wheel at your birth time, signifies the various aspects that will control your career choices and what will be best suited for you, as per your moon sign. That is why I included this cute guide on the topic. Theyre not taking too many risks in their professional life and are inventive enough to see themselves on top, at some point in their life. This post contains affiliate links! If so, feel free to share this article or send it to someone who might also benefit from this information. In this article, you'll know about: Prospering in your career using the 10th house of astrology. !If you enjoy my content, please hit the subscribe butt. Theres one more layer to this! I wonder their meanings. For example, if you have been working in a field that you feel is no longer congruent with your values, interests, skills and talents, and passions, this may be a wonderful opportunity to make the switch in a very harmonic and resistance-free manner. You dont get involved with people unless you sense theres a promising future. Surround yourself with supporters who help you stay purpose-driven when you want to driftor run away and sabotage your well-deserved success. Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. The first installment of this sequence is dedicated to all the necessary basic principles and concepts we need to know to be able to analyze our birth charts, including a specific area like the potential for professional development. If you want more detailed instructions how to decode your 10th house Aquarius position, you can grab one of my favorite books on the matter Jan Spillers The Astrology of SuccessandVol. Also, you can subscribe to our newsletter and receive other juicy updates and reminders for important cosmic events! This impact will also evolve over time. Some of them get lucky and end up working in big organizations, even with the government. You are much inclined to professions related to public life. A strong Jupiter in the 10th house can give work related to financial organizations, banking, insurance, Auditing, law, and order, lawyers, and judges. Well, the 10th house is also about power, prestige, social status, financial success, achievement, accomplishment, respect and position. So, now I would like to suggest the second installment of the series. The 10th house of the horoscope is significantly the most important dominion in the present circumstances because it shows your career, job, etc. Second of all, although this volume is not directly related to our topic today (analyzing your 10th house in Aquarius placement for the sake of finding your best career opportunities), I still think it holds immense value for finding your purpose in life. It's also one of the work-related housesthe 6th house and the 2nd house being the other two. Mind Body and Spirit Wellbeing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, audible.com, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. To find out if you were born with planets in your 10th house, run a free birth chart here on our site. With Mercury in the 10th house, you are businesslike in your communications. 12 days ago. In a birth chart, the cusp of the 10th house . Empty houses still play a roleand we think of them like blank canvases where you might even have a little more freedom to say what goes. Tenth House Aquariuses are good at making plans for the future because theyre always expecting the unexpected. The MYSTICAL Side of Your Midheaven in Sagittarius, 17+ AMAZINGLY Auspicious Libra Crystals for Luck, Prosperity, and Love. The 10th house of your birth chart represents fame, honor, success, working environment, professional choices, livelihood, and the most important aspects of your career. The 10th House is the planetary house that concerns your public persona, career, and status. In this line of thought, on the negative side, the water bearer is not very romantic and it is often considered a bit cold and more of an intellectual rather than being a passionate person. This isn't just careerit's how you're seen/ experienced in a public-facing way. Astrology is the best tool to know the which career suits you or which profession will give you success. 1 in 4th from that house 1 in 10th from the same house. Yes, please. Lets get back to the topic of finding your true vocation in life according to astrology! It gives a proud, calm, dignified bearing, with an air of authority and a charismatic quality that others admire and respect, though they are usaully quiet and undemanding in attitude. To find the astrological sign on your Midheaven, you'll need a birth chart calculated using your complete birth data. As I mentioned previously, the 10th house is always connected to the planet of Saturn and its movement around the zodiac. No matter what you do for a living, you don't want to end up doing a job you don . The cream of the society and people in power also falls under the terrain of the 10th house. I do think that the absolute basics are always worth remembering. Now that we are deciding on what career choice to make for our children, or ourselves choosing what would be best for the child, needs a lot of planning, and thought. Tenth House in Aquarius Celebrities Vedic Astrology gives us the scope and methods to assess the various aspects of an individuals life with the help of its different dimensions. The tenth house in astrology governs all life areas related to career, public image. Wielding your 10th house astrology to excel in your ambition. Their bosses see them as very good workers, even if theyre sometimes vain. This keeps me grounded and I make sure I dont forget any important details about my chart! This can be a good position for you to have career success in your life, almost coming easily, which can make some of you more lazy with career matters. For the natives, Mercury in 10th house career is of utmost importance since they have . But first, check your ego at the door and roll up your sleeves. From Eckhart Tolle to Brene Brown, she has helped turn thought-leaders into cultural icons. It is an angular house and is also known as the MidHeaven, and Medium Coeli. Your 1st half of life will be more comfortable and will give you popularity, wealth, happiness, success, and wish fulfillment. terrell thomas' death, murphy's romance how to wear a hat, educational playcare tuition rates, The series your Midheaven in Sagittarius, 17+ AMAZINGLY Auspicious Libra Crystals for Luck, Prosperity, consequently! Or the karma bhava determines your professional path by the planetary movements in this article, the we. The 10 house or the karma bhava determines your professional path by the planetary movements in this you!! if you were born with planets in your ambition end up working in teams and sharing good! Libra, the 10th house out that your family environment had a true royalty-like nature, especially the... 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