"I began my journey at Aspen University in May 2021 striving to obtain my BSN in Nursing. As a nursing student, youll also pay low program fees that ensure your access to innovative learning platforms and industry-leading technologies in the field. Chable Johnson, MSN, BS, Nursing, Indiana Wesleyan University Dawn Deem, MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix Joseph Nicoletti, MA, Labor and Industrial Relations, Rutgers University Brittany Scott, MA, BS, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University Brittney Harris, MHA, Health Administration, Pfeiffer University "In Aspens online environment, faculty members serve as skilled instructors, content experts, and mentors." The campus is within easy access of Intersection of Interstate 40 and the 155, near the Sonesta Nashville Airport. INR 19.3 L/Yr CAD 31,433 /Yr. Alicia Hinton, MSN, Advanced Practice Nursing, University of Alabama Huntsville, Andrea Novak, PhD, MSN, MS, Nursing, Public Health, Walden University, Anne McNamara, PhD, Nursing, University of Arizona, AnnMarie Vang,DNP, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Anny Dionne, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain University, April Morris, DNP, Nursing, American Sentinel University, April Norberg, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, Grand Canyon University, Aprille Boudreau,PhD, Counseling, University of Florida, Aretha Miller, PhD, MPH, Nursing, Public Health, Walden University, Audrey Auer, PhD, MSN, Nursing, South Dakota State University, Barbara Miller, DNP, EdD, MSN, Education, Nursing, Touro University, Barbara O'Chester, MSN, Nursing, LaSalle University, Bob Wade, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Education, Capella University, Bonny Kehm, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Informatics, Capella University, Brandi Wilford, DNP, MSN, Nursing, University of South Alabama, Brenda Mason, PhD, MSN, Health Services, Leadership, Walden University, Brittany Harris,MHA, Health Administration, Pfeiffer University, Brooke Cook, MSN, Nursing, Walden University, Carmen Spears, DHA, MSN, Health Care Administration, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Catherine Doyle, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Touro University, Cathy Franklin-Griffin, PhD, Nursing, University of North Carolina Greensboro, Chable Johnson, MSN, BS, Nursing, Indiana Wesleyan University, Chris Geer, MSN, MHA, BSN, Nursing, Health Administration, Informatics, Grand Canyon University, Christina Morris, MSN, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Christine Turner, PhD, MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Colleen Ford, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, Grand Canyon University, Cynthia Harrington, DNP, MSN, Nursing Practice, University of Alabama, Dana Knighten,DSW, Social Work, Capella University, David Castle,PhD, MBA, Management, Northcentral University, David Holden, MSN, BSN, Nursing, Kaplan University, David Hunte, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, University of Phoenix, Dawn Poindexter, MSN, BSN, Nursing Administration & Leadership, Virginia Commonwealth University, Debbie Barrett-Bryson, MSN, MHA, BSN, Nursing Education, University of Phoenix, Debbie Beck, Phd, MSN, MSHA, Nursing, Capella University, Deborah Martin, DNP, MSN, MBA, Nursing Leadership, Arizona State University, Deborah Schiavone, PhD, MSN, Psychiatric Nursing, Catholic University of America, DeMonica Junious, PhD, MS, Nursing, Health Education, Texas Womans University, Denise Pattison, DNP, MSN, Advance Practice Nursing, University of Cincinnati, Denys Goozee, DNP,MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Diane Morrison, MSN, Nursing, University Wisconsin, Diane Ream, DNP, MSN, BS, Nursing, Regis University, Ebele Oraka, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Informatics, Walden University, Eileen Thomas, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Public Health, University of Colorado, Elizabeth MacMillan, MSN, BSN, Public Health Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Emily Orr, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Eric Oestmann,PhD, MS, BS, Human Services, Capella University, Erica Falk-Huzar, PsyD, EdS, MBA, University of Arizona, Erica Lue, DNP, MSN, Nursing, American Sentinel University, Felisity Gardner, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Samford University, Ferlinda Powers, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain College of Nursing, Folorunso Popoola-Ladipo, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain College of Nursing, Frances Obikunle, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Walden University, Grace Adedoyin, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Heather Bailey, DNP, MSN, Administration, Education, Samford University, Heidi Haldeman, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Helen Livingston,PhD, Criminal Justice Psychology, The Union Institute, Jane Emerson, MSN, Nursing Administration & Management, Aspen University, Jean Cheek, DNP, MSN, BS, Nursing Education, Grand Canyon University, Jean Gordon, PhD, MSN, MBA, Nursing Education, Business, Nova Southeastern University, Jeanette Plodek, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Human Science, Saybrook University, Jeannie Randall,DNP, MSN, Nursing, American Sentinel University, Jennifer Ducko, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Jennifer Johnson, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Northeastern University, Jennifer Sugg, EdD, MSN, Education, Nursing, Walden University, Julia Ugorji, DNP, MSN, MS, Walden University, Julie Combs, DNP, MSN, The Ohio State University, Julie Hamilton, MSN, Nursing, Regis University, Julie Kolde, PhD, Nursing, William Carey University, Karen Spencer, DNP, MSN, Advanced Practice Nursing, Rush University, Kathryn Mauch, EdD, MS, Nursing, Education, Liberty University, Kathy Karlberg, DNP, MSN, Nursing Education, Grand Canyon University, Keith McKernan,MSN, Nursing, Vanderbilt University, Kelli Lofoco, MSN, BA, Nursing Education, University of Phoenix, Keven McNeill, MPA, Public Administration, Criminal Justice, Anne Marie College, Kimberly Warren, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, Western Governors University, Kristie Patrick-Austin, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, Western Governors University, Kristine Warner, MSN, Nursing, Mount St. Joseph, Lakesar Green, DNP, University of Alabama, Laura Anderson, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Healthcare Systems & Leadership, Chamberlain University, LeAnne Prenovost, DNP, MSN, MBA, Nursing, Business, Capella University, Leigh Ann Farmer, DM, MSN, Organizational Leadership, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Lily Ramon, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain College of Nursing, Linda Marcuccilli, PhD, MS, Nursing, Wayne State University, Linda Mueller, DNP, Educational Leadership, American Sentinel University, Linda Plecity, MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Linda Tibbits, MA, Nursing, Ball State University, Lois Obert, DNP, Nursing, The University of Alabama, Lori McGill, DNP, Nursing, Chatham University, LouAnnie Godinez, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, Chamberlain University, Marcia Rogers, MSN, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Marcos Gayol, EdD, MSN, MPH, Education, Nursing, Public Health, Aspen University, Mark Miller,MBA, BBA, Business, Nova Southeastern University, Martha Sturgeon, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Oakland University, Martie Combs, MSN, BSN, Nursing Education, Brookline College, Meg Ziminsky, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Samford University, Melissa Kennedy, DNP, MSN, Nursing Educational Leadership, American Sentinel University, Michele Dickson, DNP, MSN, Healthcare Leadership, Regis University, Miranda Keeton, DNP, MSN, Leadership, Nursing, Samford University, Monica Farrar,MS Counseling, Rehabilitation, University at Buffalo, Nancy Mitchell, DNP, MSN, Advanced Practice, Grand Canyon University, Newt Condit,MA Marriage and Family Counseling, Lancaster Bible College, Nina Beaman, EdD, MSN, MS, Nursing, Education, Walden University, Olivia Cox, DNP, Advanced Practice Nursing, University at Buffalo, Patricia Duclos-Miller, MSN, BSN, Parent-Child Health Nursing, Boston University, Patricia McAfee, DNP, MSN, Nursing Leadership, Walden University, R. Todd Kane, EdD, MBA, Education, Health Care Administration, Maryville University, Rebecca Metcalfe, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain University, Richard Beard, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Robert Anders, DPH, MS, Public Health, Nursing, University of Hawaii, Robin Kirschner, DNP, EdD, Nursing, Education, Touro University, Rose McGhie-Anderson, PhD, Nursing, Barry University, Sandi McDermott, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Texas Christian University, Sandra Chen-Walta, DNP, MSN, Nursing, University of Alabama, Sara Lease, MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Sarah Gabua, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Walden University, Shakeeka Misher, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Capella University, Sharon Martin, PhD, Nursing, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Sharon Stoten, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Information Systems, Purdue University, Shawn Buhrow, DNP, MSN, Nursing, American Sentinel University, Shelley Lee, DNP, Nursing, Chamberlain College of Nursing, Sherri Carter, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Gardner-Webb University, Sherry Raber, DNP, MSN, MMHC, Nursing, University of South Alabama College, Shirley Brydie, PhD, MSN, Natural Health, Nursing, Capella University, Sonia Mary Torres,MS, BA, Education, Psychology, Purdue University, Stacey Hobbick, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Educational Leadership, American Sentinel University, Stacy Parker, MSN, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Stacy Severin, MSN, Nursing, State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, Sue Stewart, DNP, MBA, Nursing Leadership, Business, Aspen University, Susan Kinnear, DNP, Nursing, Chatham University, Talene Avedissian, MSN, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Tamika Dowling,DNP, MSN, Advanced Practice Nursing, South University, Tammy Drewett, MSN, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Tammy Fisher,DNP, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Tammy Nesbitt, MSN, BSN, Nursing, West Texas A&M, Tara Slagle, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Capella University, Teresa Olin,EdD, MSN, Education, Nursing, Aspen University, Terri Crowder, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Advanced Practice Nursing, Old Dominion University, Tracy Lookingbill,DNP, MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Vergie Brannon, DNP, Nursing University of Tennessee, Vivienne Pierce McDaniel, DNP, MSN, Nursing, Leadership, Walden University, Wanda Douglas, EdD, MSN, Education, Nursing, Appalachian State University, Wanda Fletcher, DNP, Nursing University of Phoenix, Wendy Lugo, DNP, Nursing, The George Washington University, Yvette Lowery, DNP, MSN, Advanced Practice Nursing, South University, Zachary Nethers, DNP, MSN, MBA, Nursing, Business, Chatham University, Heidi Haldeman,MSN, Nursing, Aspen University, Jane Emerson,MSN, Nursing Administration & Management, Aspen University, Rebecca Metcalfe,DNP, MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain University, Norma Gano, Program Director,MSN,Nursing, Quinnipiac University, Tammy Drewett, Director of Clinical Simulations,MSN, Nursing,Grand Canyon University, April Norberg, MSN Ed, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Beverly Copoulos, MSN,Nursing, University of Phoenix, David Hunte, MSN,Nursing, University of Phoenix, Debbie Barrett-Bryson, MSN, MHA, Nursing, Health Care Administration, University of Phoenix, Elizabeth MacMillan, MSN, Public Health Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Kathy Jorgensen, MSN, MBA, Nursing,Salem State College, Leigh Anne Tovar, MSN, MAOM,Nursing, Organizational Management, Grand Canyon University, LouAnnie Godinez, MSN,Nursing, Chamberlain University, Martie Combs, DNP, MSN, Nursing,Quinnipiac University, Mary Lou Rangel, MSN, Nursing,University of Phoenix, Nancy Mitchell, DNP, Nursing,University of Massachusetts Boston, Peter Molina, MSN, Nursing,Grand Canyon University, Terrianne Doner, MSN,Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Theresa Brown, MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Tynisa Berry, MSN, Nursing, University of Phoenix, Vanessa Segura, MSN, Nursing, Grand Canyon University, Victoria Miler Cage, MS, Advanced Practice Nursing, Arizona State University, Elizabeth Cooper, Program Director, DNP, RN, CNE, Therese McLean, Clinical Practice Manager, MSN, RN, Kayla Cross, Clinical Simulation Manager, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, Gwen Halverson,MSN, Nursing, Chamberlain University, Rhonda Winegar,DNP, PhD, Nursing, Saint Louis University, Sara Murcray-Mosca,DNP, Nursing Leadership, University of Texas at Austin, /Institutions/Aspen-University/json/Academic-Year-2021-2022/Academic-Catalog-local.json, /Institutions/Aspen-University/json/Academic-Year-2021-2022/Academic-Catalog.json, Aspen University 2021-2022 Academic Catalog, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Academic Progress and Participation Policy, Course Late Registration and Drop/Withdrawal Policies. `:>z:F(qZ xIPx$XU[=)j2xR2~ The facility, opened after complete renovation in July 2018, contains the academic and educational services required for BSN Pre-Licensure students, faculty, and program administration. The national average pass rate was 82percent, and the state of Arizonas was 87percent, according to the board of nursing. Check Detailed Fees. Mohamad Khatibloo, PhD, Criminal Justice, University of Hertfordshire <> Glenn Cummings, PhD, BS, Physiology, Wayne State University 13 0 obj Please see each school for a list of faculty members. Atlanta: Aspen University's ~17,000 sq. The parent institution of a nursing program shall ensure that at least one nursing faculty member is assigned to no more than ten students while students are directly or indirectly involved in the care of patients including precepted experiences. Date Posted: 02/14/2023 Req ID: 29724 Faculty/Division: Faculty of Arts & Science Department: Faculty Registrar Campus: St. George (Downtown Toronto) Description: ABOUT US: The Faculty of Arts & Science is the heart of Canada's leading university and one of the world's most comprehensive and diverse academic divisions. 34 Nursing leadership Volume 22 Number 3 2009 introduction There is an urgent need to enhance gerontological content in nursing education. Tampa:Aspen Universitys ~30,000 sq. Greg Herbert, EdD, Education, The George Washington University 15 0 obj :Z%`$0](uhM:n|Y>7a#EMg)?$"1n;P[o!- qc}(m?q9f0@bLwXtB uCY$vUiT2kt{OhRv9^^2H;RL_|FXh8'&e!IXPxj+}uMd *:-| OmP*L=-+m2KfEuy;>wuQJ@Ha76JNEyAj)QK+:nQ/s$KUnXWqmIjj!^l1}|Jl,V~i0`\?pNP$~8HA/R7 If Aspen University agrees to the consent agreement, it will be for a three-year stayed revocation probation. Discussion at the board meeting made clear that under the consent agreement, new admissions in the core nursing courses will be suspended until the program achieves an 80percent pass rate on the NCLEX. Tammy Nesbitt, MSN, BSN, Nursing, West Texas A&M Diane Ream, DNP, MSN, BS, Nursing, Regis University Vanessa Kramasz, MSN, Nursing, Concordia University Tara Race, DNP, Nursing Waynesburg University Kristina Stillsmoking, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Education, Capella University Crystal Green-Brown, PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, Kent State University %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 8 0 obj endobj Concerns were raised during the board meeting about nursing students who were unable to pass the NCLEX, the nursing licensure exam used nationwide. Denny Powers, PhD, Criminal Justice, Capella University Julie Kolde, PhD, Nursing, William Carey University Jennifer Hoilman, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Capella University James Marion, PhD, Management, Capella University } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br ft. location at 1809 Dabbs Ave, Nashville, TN contains the facilities needed for the ground component of its BSN Pre-Licensure program for Tennessee students in the Nashville metropolitan area. Michael Allen, PhD, Higher Education, Azusa Pacific University Shelley Lee, DNP, Nursing, Chamberlain College of Nursing Steve Brenoskie, MCJ, Criminal Justice, Aspen University 0 If you qualify as a transfer student, you could also be eligible for transfer scholarships like our 2NAU Scholarship. Aspen University is looking for an experienced Nursing Faculty, Full Time to join our our amazing Team at our new campus in Austin, TX. Provide scholarly feedback, guidance, and supportive interactions within 7 days after the due date of an assignment, though faculty are encouraged to grade assignments within 3-7 days of submission. | Texas-not currently accepting applications. Joanna Oestmann, EdD, MED, Psychology, Argosy University The facility contains the academic and educational services required for BSN Pre-Licensure students, faculty, and program administration. Lisa Kreeger, PhD, MSN, BS, Nursing, Leadership, Antioch University Christina Morris, MSN, Grand Canyon University The best way to support you in an online environment is to be present. {*Ek(_(- RYg43$@|@! Wherever you are in your existing program, our robust course equivalencies will help you apply as many appropriate credits as possible toward your NAU degree. Carlos Cortez, PhD, Education, University of Southern California No problem. ft. location at 12802 Tampa Oaks Blvd., Tampa FL supports the ground component of its BSN Pre-Licensure program for Florida students in the Tampa metropolitan area. Weve got an option thatll work with your location, lifestyle, and pace: *Acceptance into an eligible Arizona community college RN program and completion of prerequisite requirements will guarantee admission into the NAU CEP program. School of Education School of Nursing and Health Sciences School of Arts and Sciences School of Business and Technology 4615 E. Elwood St. The best way to start your path to an NAU nursing degree is to contact us. View P.Mortimer_Module 4.docx from EDUCATION N580 at Aspen University. U of California Bans Fully Online Degrees, New College of Florida Trustees Ax DEI Office, Unions organizing in states that lack collective bargaining, University of California system bans fully online degrees, ChatGPT can help students and faculty with ADHD (opinion), A pathway to graduate school for Latinx students, Hear this: a guide to writing an academic English listening test, Introduce coaching principles into your work in four easy steps, How to create university-wide timetables using free, open-source software, Its worth rethinking how we engage graduates they can be teaching gold, Supervising neurodiverse postgraduate researchers, President mulls firing complainers after end to Faculty Senate, Provost makes bestiality joke, reacting to concern for LGBTQ faculty, New gallon drinking trend takes off at college campuses, A professor's job is endangered for teaching about race, Frustrated DEI staff are leaving their jobs, New presidents or provosts: Arkansas Baptist CSU Global Harris-Stowe IVCC Oneonta Ramapo Slippery Rock VCCS, New presidents or provosts: Emerson Foothill IAIA Marist Rutgers Truman UMSL UWF, New presidents or provosts: Concordia-Moorhead GWU Hendrix Houston Kellogg Ohio Wesleyan RMU UMSL Washburn, Supreme Court Justices Skeptical of Debt Relief, D.C. Higher Ed Leaders Propose Gun Violence Solutions, NYC Comptroller Urges Yeshiva U to Recognize LGBTQ Group, Ore. Lawmaker Seeks Sexual Misconduct Survey for All Colleges, New Report on the Resilience of Puerto Rican Universities, Students Hold Protests of Connecticut College President. Faculty are expected to lay the foundation for nursing expectations and the writing skills necessary to be successful BSN graduates. Lynn Carter, PhD, Computer Science, University of Colorado PHOENIX Aspen University on Tuesday voluntarily surrendered its Arizona prelicensure RN nursing program provisional approval because it cannot meet the minimum passing requirements of the. <> Courtney Salmon, MA, Human Resource Management, Webster University Amy Dallmann-Jones, MBA, Humanities, California State University School of Education Whatever path you take to NAU, well work with your unofficial transcripts and existing credits to maximize your transfer options so you can quickly and affordably enter the workforce with a high-quality nursing degree. Bonny Kehm, PhD, MSN, Nursing, Capella University <> Aspen University's in-state tuition for the 2017-2018 academic year was $4,050, and fees were $180. The majority of the faculty members of a registered nursing program shall hold a graduate degree with a major in nursing. Responsible for curriculum delivery, quality pedagogy and building community in the online environment, Responsible for maintaining a student assignment in lab, seminar, or simulation/clinical courses, Responsible for quality feedback and engagement with students, Responsible for assessing student outcomes with quantitative and qualitative measures, Actively participate in University and School faculty meetings, Responsible for course revisions as assigned, Actively participate in University and School governance matters, An earned RN and MSN; experience in online teaching. Randy Marcy, MPA, Georgia Southern University endobj The program definitely encourages self-learning and makes sure proper time management is utilized. (**}V}[Q`nkn/mOT=R?}*['U. Aspen University is looking for an experienced Nursing Faculty, Full Time to join our our amazing Team at our new campus in Austin, TX. You can also complete prerequisites at one of the many Arizona community colleges with the help of our 2NAU transfer program to plan and stay on track while preparing to transfer. <> Aspen University School of Nursing & Health Sciences 1809 Dabbs Avenue Nashville, TN 37210 Aspen University School of Nursing & . The embedded facility, opened after complete renovation in September 2019, contains the academic and educational services required for BSN Pre-Licensure students, faculty, and program administration. . A graduate degree. David Castle, PhD, MBA, BS, Management, Northcentral University Nicole Terry, MED, Special Education, Grand Canyon University Proactively and regularly initiate and post meaningful contributions to all appropriate course discussion threads for the purpose of stimulating the students academic experience and keeping the discussions on topic. a. Ying Liu, PhD, MBA, MS, Computer Science, Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. 14 0 obj Sharon Stoten, DNP, MSN, BS, Nursing, Purdue University endstream endobj 496 0 obj <>stream <> Aspen University said it has since worked to improve its nursing curriculum, hired additional faculty and staff, and made review materials available to students. Number 3 2009 introduction There is an urgent need to enhance gerontological content in nursing Education School of and... Is an urgent need to enhance gerontological content in nursing sure proper time management is utilized 3... Path to an NAU nursing degree is to contact us Education N580 at Aspen University May... Obtain my BSN in nursing the 155, near the Sonesta Nashville Airport 34 nursing leadership Volume 22 Number 2009. Nursing and Health Sciences School of Business and Technology 4615 E. Elwood St 155 near... Program shall hold a graduate degree with a major in nursing Education of Business and Technology 4615 E. 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